Setup environment variables
mkdir lib/{bin,pkg,src} export GOPATH=$(pwd)/lib
Install deps
go install github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go@latest
go build -o app . chmod +x ./app
./app -role-arn <aws-role-arn> -region <aws-region> -param-path <aws-ssm-param-path>
The application will expect to find AWS credentials set from ENV, so ensure that the IAM user credentials have been set up correctly, and if necessary, export the correct
variable as well.
To test the application, set up the IAM role as before, then run the application directly without building:
go run app.go -role-arn <aws-role-arn> -region <aws-region> -param-path <aws-ssm-param-path> -key-path <some-local-path-for-testing>