integreat-cms 2025.3.0
- [ #3374 ] Only users with publishing rights can archive pages
- [ #3379 ] Adjust event filters for long-term events
- [ #3424 ] Fix spacing of start and end date in events
- [ #3426 ] Fix display of live content in page preview
- [ #3436 ] Fix german translation of recurring
- [ #3437 ] Change wording of weekdays
- [ #3460 ] Change that archived contacts are not visible in app anymore
- [ #3462 ] Allow for contacts to have an area of responsibility
- [ #3467 ] Fix hix color code
- [ #3473 ] Add mobile phone to contact
Compare changes: 2025.2.1 → 2025.3.0
@PeterNerlich @JoeyStk @jonbulz @MizukiTemma @jarlhengstmengel @svenseeberg