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No-Code CI/CD Orchestrator for Kubernetes

A web based CI/CD Orchestrator leveraging Open Source tools to provide a No-Code, SaaS-like experience for Kubernetes
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Devtron is a web based CI/CD orchestrator for Kubernetes. It integrates various Open Source tools to provide AppOps, that also includes Security Scanning, GitOps, Access Control, Debugging and Observability.

Devtron is built in a modular fashion. It consists of the below modules which can be installed independently.

Module Features
Hyperion Deploy, Observe, Manage & Debug existing Helm apps in all your clusters
Devtron Perform CI/CD, Security Scanning, GitOps, Access Control, Debugging and Observability. Comes with Hyperion included.

🦹 Hyperion

Hyperion is Devtron's light weight module to manage Helm apps. It helps you deploy, observe, manage and debug applications deployed through Helm across multiple clusters, minimizing Kubernetes complexities.

πŸŽ‰ Features

Application-level Resource grouping for easier Debugging
  • Hyperion groups your Kubernetes objects deployed via Helm charts and display them in a slick UI, for easier monitoring or debugging. Access pod logs and resource manifests right from the Hyperion UI and even edit them!
Centralized Access Management
  • Control and give customizable view-only, edit access to users on Project, Environment and Application levels
Deploy, Manage and Observe on multiple clusters
  • Deploy and manage Helm charts, applications across multiple Kubernetes clusters (hosted on multiple clouds / on-prem) right from a single Hyperion setup
View and edit Kubernetes manifests
  • View and edit all the Kubernetes resources right from the Hyperion dashboard

Hyperion is a great way to get familiar with Devtron's UI and some of its light weight features. You can always upgrade to Devtron full stack, that comes loaded with all the features.

πŸš€ Getting Started

Install Hyperion using Helm3

To install Helm3, check here

helm repo add devtron
helm install devtron devtron/devtron-operator --create-namespace --namespace devtroncd --set installer.mode=hyperion

For those countries/users where Github is blocked, you can download Hyperion Helm chart

helm install devtron devtron-operator-latest.tgz --create-namespace --namespace devtroncd --set installer.mode=hyperion

Hyperion Dashboard

If you did not provide a BASE_URL during install or have used the default installation, Devtron creates a load balancer for you. Use the following command to get the dashboard URL.

kubectl get svc -n devtroncd devtron-service -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress}'

Please note that it may take some time for the Cloud provider to provision the load balancer and in case of on-prem installation of Kubernetes, please use port-forward or ingress.

You will get an output, something like this

[test2@server ~]$ kubectl get svc -n devtroncd devtron-service -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress}'

The hostname mentioned here ( devtronsdashboardurlhere ) is the load balancer URL from where you can access the dashboard

Hyperion admin credentials

For admin login, use
and for password run the following command

kubectl -n devtroncd get secret devtron-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.ACD_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d

πŸ’‘ Devtron

Devtron is a No-Code CI/CD Orchestrator with a complete experience - providing you with CI/CD, Security Scanning, GitOps, Access Control, Debugging and Observability from a single web-console. Hyperion module is included by default, in Devtron.

πŸŽ‰ Features

No Code self-serve DevOps platform
  • Understands the domain of Kubernetes, Testing, CI/CD and SecOps
  • Reusable and composable Pipelines, which makes Workflows easy to construct and visualize
Multi-Cloud / Multi-Cluster Deployment
  • Gives the ability to deploy your applications to multiple clusters / cloud, with unified dashboard
Built-in SecOps tools and Integration
  • UI driven hierarchical security policy (Global, Cluster, Environment and Application) management
  • Integration with Clair for vulnerability scanning
UI enabled Application Debugging Dashboard
  • Application-centric view for K8s components
  • Built-in monitoring for CPU, RAM, HTTP Status Code and Latency
  • Advanced Logging, with grep and json search
  • Access all the manifests securely, for e.g. secret obfuscation
  • Auto Issue identification
Enterprise grade Security and Compliance
  • Easily manage Roles and Permissions for users through UI
Automated GitOps based deployment using ArgoCD
  • Automated Git repository and application manifest management
  • Reduces complexity (configuration & access control) in adopting GitOps practices
  • GitOps backed by Postgres for easier analysis

🌐 Architecture:

πŸš€ Getting Started

Quick installation with default settings

This installation will use Minio for storing build logs and cache

helm repo add devtron
helm install devtron devtron/devtron-operator --create-namespace --namespace devtroncd

For detailed setup instructions and other options, check out Devtron setup

πŸ”‘ Devtron Dashboard

By default, Devtron creates a load balancer. Use the following command to get the dashboard URL.

kubectl get svc -n devtroncd devtron-service -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress}'

Please note that it may take some time for the Cloud provider to provision the load balancer and in case of on-prem installation of Kubernetes, please use port-forward or ingress.

Devtron admin credentials

For admin login, use
And for the password, run the following command

kubectl -n devtroncd get secret devtron-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.ACD_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d

πŸ’™ Technology

Devtron is built on some of the most trusted and loved technologies

πŸ“Ή Videos

πŸ’ͺ Trusted By

Devtron is trusted by Enterprises and Community, all across the globe:

  • Delhivery: Delhivery is an Indian delivery and e-commerce logistics company, that provides end-to-end Supply Chain solutions through cutting-edge technology
  • BharatPe: Bharatpe is a Indian fintech company that offers a range of products including interoperable QR code for UPI payments, POS machines for card acceptance, and small business financing
  • Livspace: Livspace is a home interior and renovation company, that provides interior design and renovation services in Singapore and India
  • Moglix: Moglix is an industrial B2B marketplace and an e-commerce platform for industrial tools and equipment, used largely by businesses in India
  • Xoxoday: Xoxoday provides technology infrastructure to enable businesses to automate rewards, incentives & payouts for employees, customers & channel partners

❓ FAQ & Troubleshooting

πŸ“ Compatibility

Current build

  • Devtron uses modified version of Argo Rollout
  • Application metrics only works for k8s version 1.16+

Support, Contribution and Community

πŸ‘₯ Community

Get updates on Devtron's development and chat with project maintainers, contributors and community members

Join us at Discord channel

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🀝 Contribute

Check out our contributing guidelines. Included, are directions for opening issues, coding standards and notes on our development processes. We deeply appreciate your contribution.

Please look at our community contributions and feel free to create a video or blog around Devtron and add your valuable contribution in the list.


We are deeply grateful to all our amazing contributors!

πŸ› Vulnerability Reporting

We at Devtron, take security and our users' trust very seriously. If you believe you have found a security issue, please report to [email protected].

πŸ”– License

Devtron is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0