devkitPro is an organisation dedicated to providing useful tools and libraries targeting a variety of (primarily Nintendo) game consoles. We aim to provide a solid foundation to allow homebrew programmers to create games and applications for their favorite consoles without the expense of buying dedicated hardware, signing NDAs or meeting often strict requirements to obtain official SDKs. Many of our users have taken the experience gained from this access and gone on to fulfilling careers in the games and tech industries, some of them remember their homebrew experiences with fondness and support our work via Patreon and occasional donations which allows us to provide our tools and libraries without charge.
We distribute the tools and libraries via pacman, the very wonderful archlinux package manager provided by msys2 on windows, our own lightly customised build on macOS and debian based linux distros and, conveniently, pacman provided by the native package managers on many other distros. Instructions for setting that up can be found at Support is provided via the forums at where you can follow announcements for updates. We're also on twitter and mastodon