??stab <username>
- Stabs whatever username you put after the command. Note it cannot contain spaces.
- Posts a message about Prime Gaming.
- Posts the bot's current version.
- Posts the owner of the bot.
- Posts a random number from 1-20.
- Leaves the current channel. Requires being a mod, the Streamer, or a Twitch Staff Member.
??clip [clip title] [<time to start> <duration | time to end>]
- Creates a clip of the channel. Duration defaults to clipping last 30 seconds. Title defaults to the channel's current title. THIS COMMAND IS DISABLED UNTIL I ACTUALLY DECIDE TO ADD THE CODE THAT RUNS IT
- Lists the streamer's pronouns.
??so <username>
- Shouts Out the user who you mention. Requires being a mod, or the Streamer.
- Runs an ad for 69 seconds. Nice (Requires Editor Permissions)
- Locks down the channel with Subs Only Mode, Emote Only Mode, and Max Followers Only Mode. Requires being a mod, or the Streamer.
- A debug command designed for the creator of the bot. Other users are unable to use this command.
- Posts link to Henzoid's Super Secret Playlist.
- Posts links to HSSP on other strea,ing platforms.
- Posts link to the Henzone.
- Posts the current map name in information.
- Posts the description for Henzoid's AI in Grayscale, SIMPS.
- Posts the link to download LMMS.
- Posts the link to download Pyxel.
- Posts the link to donate to Henzoid.
- Posts the link to MCstacker.
- Posts the link to Henzoid's website.
- Posts the link telling people why Henzoid does not like people using the Term "REEE"
- Posts the link to Bit Wanderer.
- Posts a message asking people to not post spoilers.
- Floods the chat with "[SPOILER ABOVE]". If you abuse this I will revoke your access to the entire bot.
- Posts a message asking people not to use the term "ree"
- Posts a message explaining what S.I.M.P.S. is
- Posts a message about Henzoid's album Bit Wanderer
- No
- Automated system for banning those
wanna bacome famous