This is a modern ecommerce concept app made with React.js. Moreoften I work on the most important features to get different experiences.
I am planning to implement these features: Typescript; Unit-testing; Server-side on Python or Node.js
If you are learning some new feature or technology, for instance, python for back-end. You could develop the back-end side for this app. And you won't need to spent any time for developing front-end side. You will not spent extra time for styling and designing the app. Just fork me and do the work
Contact me, please, if you have any interest, question or misunderstanding ))
- Authentification
- Shopping Cart
- Wishlist
- Animated Routes
- Preloading Components programmatically
- PWA ( Progressive Web Apps )
- React.js - Reactive UI library
- Redux - State management library
- React Router - Declarative routing for React
- Firebase / Firestore
- redux-thunk - Thunk middleware for Redux
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js