Jupyter Notebooks for teaching well testing.
Use the badge to open a binder notebook.
Ensure you have Anaconda Python 3.X installed. Then
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/ddempsey/wells
- CD into the repo and create a conda environment
cd wells
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate wells
- Add the conda environment so it is accessible from the Jupyter Notebook
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=wells
If you are a local user, open a Jupyter Notebook server from the terminal
jupyter notebook
In the local server, or via the binder linke, open the well_test.ipynb
notebook. In the local server, select the wells
environment in Kernel > Change kernel
Run the notebook cells.
A document has been included in the repository with questions to test your understanding of the pumping test concepts.
David Dempsey (Civil and Natural Resource Engineering, University of Canterbury)