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This Bundle provides a simple API to index and query a Solr Index.

Please use the developing branch for pull-request.



Follow the installation instructions in this Tutorial


	sudo pecl install -n solr-beta


  1. Register bundle in AppKernel.php

    # app/AppKernel.php
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new FS\SolrBundle\FSSolrBundle(),
        // ...
  2. Add Bundle to autoload

    A. Via composer, add in your composer.json

    "require": {
        // ...  
        "floriansemm/solr-bundle": "dev-master"

    B. or manually, in app/autoload.php

    i. In symfony 2.1.4 (supposing you clone the bundle in vendor/floriansemm/solr-bundle/FS/, making available vendor/floriansemm/solr-bundle/FS/SolrBundle/FSSolrBundle.php)

    $loader->add('FS\\SolrBundle', array(__DIR__.'/../vendor/floriansemm/solr-bundle'));		

    ii. in older version it could be

        // ...
        'FS' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
        // ...


You have to setup the connection options

	# app/config/config.yml
			hostname: localhost
			port: 8983
                core0: /solr/core0
                core1: /solr/core1
        auto_index: true|false
		entity_manager: default 


To put an entity to the index, you must add some annotations to your entity:

	// your Entity

	// ....
	use FS\SolrBundle\Doctrine\Annotation as Solr;
	 * @Solr\Document(repository="Full\Qualified\Class\Name")
	 * @ORM\Table()
	class Post
		 * @Solr\Id
		 * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
		 * @ORM\Id
		 * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
		private $id;

		 * @Solr\Field(type="string")
		 * @ORM\Column(name="title", type="string", length=255)
		private $title = '';

		 * @Solr\Field(type="string")
		 * @ORM\Column(name="text", type="text")
		private $text = '';

		 * @Solr\Field(type="date")
		 * @ORM\Column(name="created_at", type="datetime")
		private $created_at = null;

If you persist this entity, it will put automaticlly to the index. Update and delete happens automatically too.

To query the index you have to call some services.

	$query = $this->get('solr')->createQuery('AcmeDemoBundle:Post');
	$query->addSearchTerm('title', 'my title');
	$result = $query->getResult();

The $result array contains all found entities. The solr-service does all mappings from SolrDocument to your entity for you. In this case only the fields id and text will be mapped (addField()), so title and created_at will be empty. If nothing was found $result is empty.

If no field was explict add, all fields will be mapped.

	$query = $this->get('solr')->createQuery('AcmeDemoBundle:Post');
	$query->addSearchTerm('title', 'my title');
	$result = $result = $query->getResult();

The pervious examples have queried only the field 'title'. You can also query all fields with a string.

	$query = $this->get('solr')->createQuery('AcmeDemoBundle:Post');
	$query->queryAllFields('my title);
	$result = $query->getResult();

To index your entities manually, you can do it the following way:


The delete action needs the id of the entity.

If you specify your own repository you must extend the FS\SolrBundle\Repository\Repository class. The useage is the same like Doctrine-Repositories:

$myRepository = $this->get('solr')->getRepository('AcmeDemoBundle:Post');
$result = $myRepository->mySpecialFindMethod();

If you haven't declared a concrete repository in your entity and you calling $this->get('solr')->getRepository('AcmeDemoBundle:Post'), you will get an instance of FS\SolrBundle\Repository\Repository.

Filter Annotation

In some cases a entity should not be index. For this you have the SynchronizationFilter Annotation.

	 * @Solr\Document
	 * @Solr\SynchronizationFilter(callback="shouldBeIndex")
	class SomeEntity {
		 * @return boolean
		public function shouldBeIndex() {
			// put your logic here

The callback property specifies an callable function, which decides whether the should index or not.


All this functionality is also avaiable for mongo-db entities. The entity configuration via annotations is absolutly the same.

Use multiple Cores

Solr supports multiple indexies. If you have different languages in your application, use can index your documents in different indexies.

The setup is easy:

Under the path option, you can specify your different indexies.

                core0: /solr/core0
                core1: /solr/core1

In this case the default core is core0. If you use multiple core, then the auto-index functionality should be disabled. In other case all document will index in one core. To disable use the flag auto_index in your config (default value is true).

To index documents with the addDocument method requires a concrete core:



There are comming two commands with this bundle:

  • solr:index:clear - delete all documents in the index
  • solr:synchronize - synchronize the db with the index. You have to specify an entity.


Solr-Integration into Symfony2 and Doctrine2






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