This is an Erlang web application using the Nitrogen Web Framework.
Those are the slides of the talk Modern Clicks (Erlang Fullstack Web Development with Nitrogen for Elixir Fortaleza Conf 2023

You can start the application with command:
make run_dev
The rebar.config file controls dependencies and build parameters using the popular rebar tool.
The plugins.config
file controls how Nitrogen plugins are handled.
The files in the etc
directory control application configuration, including
ports, webserver set up, and the like. Please see the files there for
configuration options, or view the Nitrogen documentation.
Dependency libraries (once being built) end up in the lib
Source code can be found in site/src
Template code is in site/templates
Compiled Erlang modules (ebin files) go in site/ebin
By default Nitrogen comes with an application called sync which provides automatic code reloading when the related .erl file or .ebin file is updated. To use this, run the following on the Erlang shell: