Netlib is a free and open source c++ library for backend development inspired by Django.
Full SSL/TLS support
Dynamic URL support
Middlewares Feature
High Performance template engine
Database support
Super Fast
Highly Portable
Cross Plateform
Open Source
libmysqlclient (optional)
Curl (optional)
inja Template engine
First generate settings.h File
settings.h file contains important setting of your website
#define DEBUG // for trace execution in development mode
#define USE_SSL // for HTTPS
#define SESSION_DIRECTORY "/home/darshan/Documents/temp_test/temp_sessions/"
#define UPLOADED_FILES_DIRECTORY "/home/darshan/Documents/code/netlib(main)/temp_files/"
#define DEFAULT_STATIC_DIRECTORY "/home/darshan/Documents/code/netlib(main)/static/"
#define BUILTIN_STATIC_DIRECTORY "/home/darshan/Documents/code/netlib(main)/default_statics/"
- generate cpp file for your website
#include <iostream>
#include "includes/webserver.h"
#include "includes/public_directory.h"
using namespace std;
RESPONSE admin(httpRequest req, httpResponse res, void *)
return res.HttpResponse("hello from admin");
int main()
webserver s("", 8085);
s.onRequest("/", "index.html");
s.onRequest("/admin", admin);
Build code with CMake and make
cmake .
Now executable is generated in present Directory
To run the the the code just simply execute this
./<executable name>
For more exmaples go to exmaples
Documentation is yet not generated
we will provide Documentation as soon as possible
This library is in development and developer is continuously updating the code.
if anyone found any type of bug or want to suggest any feature contact us at [email protected]
For support, email [email protected]