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Welcome to the Open-Souce Challenge: Unleashing Innovation in Cloud, Security, and Information Gathering!
cyberweave-hub/Announcement’s past year of commit activity - resources Public archive Forked from hegdepavankumar/resources
Here is a list of best resources to get you started with learning how to code (mostly related to Web Development). Feel free to add your favorite resources as well and help others in their journey of learning.
cyberweave-hub/resources’s past year of commit activity - start-here-guidelines Public archive Forked from zero-to-mastery/start-here-guidelines
Lets Git started in the world of opensource, starting in the Zero To Mastery's opensource playground. Especially designed for education and practical experience purposes.
cyberweave-hub/start-here-guidelines’s past year of commit activity - Cipher-Encryption-Decryption Public archive Forked from hegdepavankumar/Cipher-Encryption-Decryption
Cipher Encryption/Decryption This project is a simple implementation of the cipher encryption and decryption algorithm using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The cipher is a substitution cipher that replaces each letter in the plaintext with a letter a certain number of positions down the alphabet.
cyberweave-hub/Cipher-Encryption-Decryption’s past year of commit activity - Basic-Chatbot-using-HTML-CSS-and-JavaScript Public archive Forked from hegdepavankumar/Basic-Chatbot-using-HTML-CSS-and-JavaScript
Chatbots are a useful tool for businesses and organizations, allowing them to communicate with customers and users in a quick and efficient manner. In this tutorial, we will be building a basic chatbot design using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
cyberweave-hub/Basic-Chatbot-using-HTML-CSS-and-JavaScript’s past year of commit activity - smart-garbage-monitoring-system-using-iot Public archive Forked from hegdepavankumar/smart-garbage-monitoring-system-using-iot
This system monitors the garbage bins and informs about the level of garbage collected in the garbage bins via a web page. For this the system uses ultrasonic sensors placed over the bins to detect the garbage level and compare it with the garbage bins depth.
cyberweave-hub/smart-garbage-monitoring-system-using-iot’s past year of commit activity - python-zero-to-hero Public archive Forked from hegdepavankumar/python-zero-to-hero
📚This course is gonna give you a big,solid and robust base of knowledge on Python Language. It will take you from zero to hero in coding with Python and that's in simple easy way like you are eating a piece of cake.
cyberweave-hub/python-zero-to-hero’s past year of commit activity - best-free-places-to-learn-code Public archive Forked from hegdepavankumar/websites-a-programmer-should-visit
cyberweave-hub/best-free-places-to-learn-code’s past year of commit activity