polyPlot is a small R package that offers a modified version of Seier and Bonett's (2011) polyplot, a visualization tool for various distributional summary statistics.
This package is not currently on CRAN, but can be installed and loaded using these R commands:
If you do not wish a full install, the latest functions can be made available using these R commands:
The Tutorial for polyPlot provides:
- An explanation of the basic and advanced polyplot functions
- Methods for adding histograms and density curves to the polyplot
- Examples of the polyplot for various distributional shapes
- GitHub Issues: https://github.com/cwendorf/polyPlot/issues
- Author Email: [email protected]
- Author Homepage: https://cwendorf.github.io
Wendorf, C.A. (2022). polyPlot: A tool for visualizing distributional statistics [R Package]. https://github.com/cwendorf/polyPlot