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The GenericAPIWrapper can be used to simplify calls to REST API's. This can be configured as a singleton that includes authentication details for example.

This will not cover every API, but it will hopefully be useable for the majority.

Basic Usage

You need to create an instance of the genericAPIWrapper.cfc. This can be treated as a singleton object in application scope or using your favourite factory service such as WireBox or similar.

api = new genericAPIWrapper( [settings] );


  • settings struct default=see below: a struct of configuration options used to configure the API calls. These values are used for all subsequent API requests unless values are overridden on an individual basis or are modified using the setSetting() method. Default values are:
   "apiEndPoint": "", // required
   "apiUserName": "",
   "apiPassword": "",
   "apiBearer": "",
   "timeout": 10,
   "camelDashes": false,
   "lowerCase": false,
   "contentType": "",
   "charset": "utf-8",
   "fileExtension": "",
   "trailingSlash": false,
   "headers": {},
   "postData": {},
   "cookies": {},
   "query": {}

The only required setting is apiEndPoint. This is used to defined the base URL for the API that you are calling.

Property Default Notes
apiEndPoint (required) "" This is the baseURL for the API. For example
apiUserName "" A username to use for basic authentication
apiPassword "" A password to use for basic authentication
apiBearer "" A token to use for bearer authentication. This gets added as an Authorization header in the form Bearer <apiBearer>
timeout 10 A timeout value in seconds for the http requests
camelDashes false If ture, CamelCase requests get converted to dash seperated strings. For example GetCamelCase() will call a Camel-Case endpoint using the GET http verb
lowerCase false If true, enpoints are converted to lowercase
contentType "" A default value to use for the Content-Type header
charset "utf-8" A default charset for requests
fileExtension "" A file extension (without a ".") to add to the end of the api endpoint being called
trailingSlash false If true, ensures that there is a trailing slash to API endpoints when there is no query string present already
headers {} A struct defining default headers. This can be used set default headers for all requests, or requests using speific HTTP verbs. See below for an example.
postData {} A struct containing key-value pairs describing data to be included in requests other then GET as form fields
cookies {} A struct containing key-value pairs describing cookies to be included in all requests
query {} A struct containing key-value pairs describing data to form a query string to be included in all requests

Example 'headers' configuration

headers: {
   // 'common' headers will be included in every request
   common: {
      "Authorization": "Token in here"
   // 'post' headers will just be included in POST requests. A similar structure can be used for all other HTTP verbs
   post: {
      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

Default settings at runtime

You can modify default settings using a helper function setSetting(). For example:

api.setSetting("cookies", {
   "X-CSRF-TOKEN": "Cookie value"

Headers can be modified using a slightly different technique making use of the getSetting() helper function.

api.getSetting("headers").common["Authorization"] = "My token value";

Making a request

Requests to the API are made by prepending the HTTP verb that you wish to use to the endpoint of the API that you wish to call:

result = api.GetEndpoint( [apiPath], [requestSettings] );

Request settings

  • apiPath string default="": you can add multiple arguments before the settings struct which will be used to form a path to the API endpoint.
  • settings struct default=see below: a struct of optional configuration options used to configure an individual API calls. Possible parameters are:
   "body": "",
   "postData": {},
   "query": {},
   "headers": {},
   "cookies": {},
   "timeout": settings.timeout,
   "bearer": settings.apiBearer,
   "contentType": settings.contentType,
   "charset": settings.charset,
   "fileExtension": settings.fileExtension,
   "username": settings.apiUsername,
   "password": settings.apiPassword
Property Default Notes
body "" Either a string or a struct of data to use in the body of the request. A struct will be converted to a JSON string
postData {} A struct containing key-value pairs describing data to be sent as form fields for this request. This will be merged with any default value
query {} A struct containing key-value pairs describing data to form a query string for this request. This will be merged with any default value
headers {} A struct containing key-value pairs describing data to use for request headers for this request. This will be merged with any default value for the HTTP verb being used
cookies {} A struct containing key-value pairs describing data to use for cookies for this request. This will be merged with any default value
timeout settings.timeout A timeout value in seconds for this http request. If set, this will override the default value
bearer settings.apiBearer A token to use for beaerer authentication. This gets added as an Authorization header in the form Bearer <apiBearer>. If set, this will override the default value
contentType settings.contentType A value to use for the Content-Type header for this http request. If set, this will override the default value
charset settings.charset A value to use for the charset for this http request. If set, this will override the default value
fileExtension settings.fileExtension A file extension (without a ".") to add to the end of the api endpoint for this http request. If set, this will override the default value
username settings.apiUsername A username to use for basic authentication for this request. If set, this will override the default value
password settings.apiPassword A password to use for basic authentication for this request. If set, this will override the default value


api = new genericAPIWrapper({
   apiEndPoint: "",
   apiUsername: "postman",
   apiPassword: "password",
   camelDashes: true,
   lowerCase: true

result = api.GetBasicAuth();

result = api.GetTime( "now" );

result = api.GetTime( "add", { 
   query: {
      "timestamp": "2016-10-10",
      "years": 100
} );


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