programming since 2013.
reverse engineer, software engineer.
# -*- projects -*-
Repository | Languages | Description |
TeamSCALEFORM/scaleform | C, C++, JavaScript | Efficient replica of old "Scaleform" CS:GO in-game HUD design, (ab)using Panorama |
re-sysinternals-suite | C++ | (inactive) Code from process of reversing Sysinternals Suite for educational purposes, videos available for every application reverse engineered in the folder's README |
memscan | C, C++ | Smart memory scanning for Windows C++ binaries |
SAMPHack | C++ | Unfinished SA:MP cheat with thread-safe rendering and some other nice functionality, likely not gonna be updated |
ALPCLogger | C# | A dirty fork of zodiacon's ALPCLogger, with module names for stacktrace, and stacktrace filtering |
Repository | Languages | Description |
threadpool.c | C | Massively concurrent, educational threadpool for C on Windows, using my own perfect_stack.h (tested with 200 threads over 8 cores and 32000 concurrently pushed tasks), includes full technical explication |
perfect_stack.h | C | The perfect, single-header, atomic lock-free stack library for C on Windows. The way C was meant to be written |
guards.hpp | C++ | Modern C++ mutex/shared_mutex guard for T, similar to Rust |
Repository | Languages | Description |
HCMetadataViewer | C# | Viewer for Hexacorn's WinAPI metadata - sort of like a local MSDN! (2013 data included) |
powershell-scripts | PowerShell | Scripts I use both at work, and outside, generally paired with tools such as WinDbg, Registry Finder, ... |
small-apps | C++ | Wouldn't be necessary if other, proper applications already did this |
Repository | Languages | Description |
zoomer | C | Linux screenshot and zoom-in tool with many utilities |
Repository | Languages | Description |
STB | C++ | Constant-evaluated conversion library, from IDA-style pattern string, to array |
# -*- pseudo-blog -*-
- (Windows, Frida) | (LinkedIn) Problems running PowerShell.exe in 32-bit mode (WoW64)
- (x86, Windows, Linux, HV) What do those CPUID VM checks do, anyway?
- (Windows) Getting custom colored Windows taskbar progress - Hacking Explorer and StartIsBack
- (AI, General) Automatically transcribing a YouTube channel's videos locally (using JS, Python, yt-dlp and CMU Sphinx)
for other work, you may check my "Repositories" tab.
for any inquiries relating to any of my work, CV or offers, contact me through the e-mail linked to my GitHub account, or LinkedIn.