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Releases: common-workflow-lab/python-cwlgen

CWLGen Deprecation

09 Jun 13:06
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In this release we deprecate CWLGen, please use cwl-utils >= 0.4. A migration note is available on the README#deprecated.

Various fixes

20 May 00:35
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This release contains a number of small various fixes for the cwlgen library, namely:

  • Add required fields for workflow / commandline tool to ensure these are exported (#45)
  • Add more parameters (inputs, outputs, steps, etc) to Workflow and CommandLineTool for single line instantiation (#34)
  • Bumps ruamel.yaml range to match cwltool (common-workflow-language/cwltool@b7aaee4)
  • Allow hints to accept and bind Requirements correctly (#36)
  • Fix DockerRequirement directory typo (#44, thanks @martinchapman!)

Better automatic requirements parsing + new Stderr type

18 Nov 22:12
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Backwards incompatible change:

  • Rename of InlineJavascriptReq to InlineJavascriptRequirement to better align with spec

Release will contain:

  • New STDERR type (#31)
  • Better automated requirements parsing (#26)
  • Updated ruamel-yaml requirement (#30)

Release Candidate: More translation classes + new mechanic

05 Jul 06:15
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This release brings a new translation mechanism for the CWL classes, more classes for the CWL v1.0 spec, including a complete set of requirements.

Please raise an issue if you find classes are missing or features are not complete.

Additionally, there is (beta) functionality for converting a CWL file into these CWLGen classes.


09 May 14:22
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  • Making workflow step run field expansion something that can be turned off (@kellrott)


12 May 15:01
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  • Change order of attribute for CommandLineTool
  • remove id field of input and output that appeared in v0.2.0


12 May 15:00
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  • Add import feature for what is covered so far by the library
  • Change attribute names of object to correspond exactly to CWL Tool fields


12 May 14:59
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This is the first release of Python-cwlgen:

  • Basic model of CWL Tool
  • export feature to STDOUT or output file