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ci: use ubuntu-24.04 runner #99

ci: use ubuntu-24.04 runner

ci: use ubuntu-24.04 runner #99

GitHub Actions / lucee@5 Test Results succeeded Feb 6, 2025 in 0s

All 108 tests pass, 1 skipped in 20s

    1 files    12 suites   20s ⏱️
109 tests 108 ✔️ 1 💤 0
110 runs  109 ✔️ 1 💤 0

Results for commit c7cbd39.


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@github-actions github-actions / lucee@5 Test Results

1 skipped test found

There is 1 skipped test, see "Raw output" for the name of the skipped test.
Raw output
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK buckets can delete a bucket

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / lucee@5 Test Results

109 tests found

There are 109 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK Presigned URL Can use presigned URL with auto response content type
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK Presigned URL Can use presigned URL with forced response headers
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK Presigned URL Creating presigned URL with invalid response header throws error
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK Presigned URL can access via get
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK Presigned URL can enforce invalid ACL on PUT
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK Presigned URL can expire
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK Presigned URL can put file
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK Presigned URL can put file with friends
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK Presigned URL cannot PUT with a GET URL
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK buckets can delete a bucket
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK buckets can get bucketPublicAccess
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK buckets can list the buckets associated with the account
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK buckets can set bucket ACL
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK buckets can set bucketPublicAccess
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK buckets returns true if a bucket exists
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects Allows default bucket name
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects Allows default delimiter
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can check if an object exists
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can copy an object
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can delete an object from a bucket
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can download a file
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can get a file
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can get object ACL
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can list all objects
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can list with and without delimter
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can list with prefix
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can perform a multi-part upload on a file over 5MB
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can rename an object
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can store a new object
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can store a new object from file
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can store a new object with spaces in the name
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can store a new object with special chars in name
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can translate canned ACL headers
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects can translate complex ACL headers
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ Amazon S3 SDK objects validates missing bucketname
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ encryption can copy encrypted file
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ encryption can copy encrypted file with custom encryption key
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ encryption can get presigned URL for encrypted file
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ encryption can get presigned URL for encrypted file with custom encrypted key
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ encryption can put encrypted file
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ encryption can put encrypted with custom encryption key
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ encryption can put encrypted with custom encryption key and custom algorithm
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ encryption can rename encrypted file
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ encryption can rename encrypted file with custom encryption key
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ encryption can use default encryption algorithm
tests.specs.AmazonS3Spec ‑ encryption can use default encryption key
tests.specs.Sv4UtilSpec ‑ SigV4 utilities adapted AWS SigV4 test suite tests signs get-vanilla-query-unreserved
tests.specs.Sv4UtilSpec ‑ SigV4 utilities adapted AWS SigV4 test suite tests signs post-header-key-sort
tests.specs.Sv4UtilSpec ‑ SigV4 utilities adapted AWS SigV4 test suite tests signs post-vanilla-query
tests.specs.Sv4UtilSpec ‑ SigV4 utilities get-presigned-url generateSignatureData
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.buildKeyName ‑ The buildKeyName function should... If the urlStyle is path and a bucket is not submitted, return uri
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.buildKeyName ‑ The buildKeyName function should... If the urlStyle is path and a bucket is submitted, return bucket\uri
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.buildKeyName ‑ The buildKeyName function should... If the urlStyle is path and the bucket is an empty string, return uri
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.buildKeyName ‑ The buildKeyName function should... If the urlStyle is virtual, return uri
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.buildUrlEndpoint ‑ The buildUrlEndpoint function should ... If the urlStyle is path - the default - , build according to
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.buildUrlEndpoint ‑ The buildUrlEndpoint function should ... If the urlStyle is path and the domain does not have, do not alter the domain name
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.buildUrlEndpoint ‑ The buildUrlEndpoint function should ... If the urlStyle is path and the domain is not, do not include s3
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.buildUrlEndpoint ‑ The buildUrlEndpoint function should ... If the urlStyle is path and the region is empty, do not include it
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.buildUrlEndpoint ‑ The buildUrlEndpoint function should ... If the urlStyle is virtual and the domain does not have, do not alter the domain name
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.buildUrlEndpoint ‑ The buildUrlEndpoint function should ... If the urlStyle is virtual and the domain has, build according to
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.buildUrlEndpoint ‑ The buildUrlEndpoint function should ... If the urlStyle is virtual and the domain has, but a bucket name is not submitted, do not include it
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.buildUrlEndpoint ‑ The buildUrlEndpoint function should ... If the urlStyle is virtual and the domain has, but a region is not set, do not include it
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.buildUrlEndpoint ‑ The buildUrlEndpoint function should ... It should return an instance of AmazonS3
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.createSignatureUtil ‑ The createSignatureUtil function should... If V2 is submitted, return SV2Util
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.createSignatureUtil ‑ The createSignatureUtil function should... If V4 is submitted, return SV2Util
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.getBucketLocation ‑ The setAwsRegion function should... If an error is returned from s3Request, it should throw an error with the message from s3 as the error message 
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.getBucketLocation ‑ The setAwsRegion function should... Should call requireBucketName 1x 
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.getBucketLocation ‑ The setAwsRegion function should... Should call s3Request 1x 
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the accessKey set
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the autoContentType set to false
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the autoMD5 set to an empty string since the signature type defaults to V4
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the awsDomain set to
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the awsRegion set to
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the defaultACL set to public-read
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the defaultBlockPublicAcls set to False
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the defaultBlockPublicPolicy set to False
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the defaultBucketName set to blank string
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the defaultCacheControl set to no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the defaultDelimiter set to /
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the defaultEncryptionAlgorithm set to an empty string
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the defaultEncryptionKey set to an empty string
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the defaultIgnorePublicAcls set to False
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the defaultObjectOwnership set to ObjectWriter
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the defaultRestrictPublicBuckets set to False
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the defaultStorageClass set to no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the defaultTimeOut set to 300
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the encryptionCharset set to UTF-8
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the mimeTypes set
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the multiPartByteThreshold set to 5242880
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the retriesOnError set to 3
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the secretKey set
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the serviceName set to s3
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the ssl set to true
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the throwOnRequestError set to true
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Have the urlStyle set to path
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... If arguments.autoMD5 is true , Have the autoMD5 set to auto
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... If the signature type is V2, Have the autoMD5 set to auto
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.init ‑ By default the init function should... Should call createSignatureUtil 1x passing in the submitted signatureType
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.requireBucketName ‑ The setAwsRegion function should... If a bucketname is blank, throw an application error
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.requireBucketName ‑ The setAwsRegion function should... If a bucketname is null, throw an application error
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.requireBucketName ‑ The setAwsRegion function should... If a bucketname is submitted, do nothing
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.setAuth ‑ The setAuth function should... Set the accessKey submitted
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.setAuth ‑ The setAuth function should... Set the secretKey submitted
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.setAwsDomain ‑ The setAWSDomain function should... Set the domain submitted
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.setAwsDomain ‑ The setAWSDomain function should... call buildUrlEndpoint 1x
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.setAwsRegion ‑ The setAwsRegion function should... Set the region submitted
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.setAwsRegion ‑ The setAwsRegion function should... call buildUrlEndpoint 1x
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.setSSL ‑ The setAwsRegion function should... Set the ssl submitted
tests.specs.models.AmazonS3.setSSL ‑ The setAwsRegion function should... call buildUrlEndpoint 1x