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Constructor Properties

Jorge Reyes edited this page May 29, 2015 · 1 revision

If you override the constructor in your ORM entity, then make sure that you call the super.init() with the optional arguments below:

queryCacheRegion string false #entityName#.activeEntityCache The name of the secondary cache region to use when doing queries via this class
useQueryCaching boolean false false The bit that tells the class to enable query caching, disabled by default
useTransactions boolean false true The bit that enables automatic hibernate transactions on all save, saveAll, update, delete methods
eventHandling boolean false true The bit that enables event handling via the ORM Event handler such as interceptions when new entities get created, saved, enabled by default.
defaultAsQuery boolean false true The bit that determines the default return value for list(), createCriteriaQuery() and executeQuery() as query or array
component persistent="true" table="your_table" extends="coldbox.system.orm.hibernate.ActiveEntity"{

	function init(){
		setCreatedDate( now() );

		return this;

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