CP is an application for manage small team. CP collect information about projects, time spent and spent or earned money. CP gives you statistic based on collected data.
Application made with Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL by {code}の人 team.
Make sure you have Ruby version installed, specified in the .ruby-version
file in the root directory of the application.
Node v6.11.2. Yarn 0.20.1+
If you use RVM add a '.ruby-gemset' file to the root directory of the application.
The application uses PostgreSQL. Versions 8.2 and up are supported.
Create database and config file config/database.yml
for connection.
File example:
adapter: postgresql
database: cnhcp_dev
pool: 5
Create config/cable.yml
adapter: async
Create config/secrets.yml
secret_key_base: 49e51e4cfef2252ccfb3b4501cfe3ec496aa5d06a631195b9f594088b1244d2072943398cc40afee6141a827567e0ed4b4ef4de7f2ff5ade163225122879fcee
When done, run:
$ bin/bundle install --without production
$ bin/rails db:create db:migrate
Install demo data using command: bin/rails db:seed
if you need.
Application ready for start. You can launch webserver with
command bin/rails server
and see home page
at localhost:3000 url.
You need access to the production server to perform a deploy.
Run a deploy with command mina deploy
Before the first deploy to server you'll need to run mina setup
for production. Also you'll need to create files 'application.yml', 'cable.yml'
and 'secrets.yml' in 'shared/config' directory on the server.
GET /projects.json
— Get list of projects.
Params: none
{"id":4,"title":"Svezhov Dev"},
{"id":3,"title":"Svezhov TR"},
{"id":2,"title":"Codenohito CP"},
{"id":1,"title":"Codenohito Growth"}