Start an ethereum node with testrpc
or geth --rpc
which listens on localhost:8585
In HDMDLink project, run the CLI commands below:
truffle compile
truffle migrate
truffle console
In truffle, run this to allow the default account to invoke mint()
Then run this to get the contract address:
In this project, change the hdmdContractAddress
in config.js
Then run the CLI commands below:
npm install
cd "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\"
npm start
You can interact with the API using curl (for Linux) or Postman (for Windows). Ensure that you select JSON (application/json)
as the body format.
We use Mocha as our unit-testing framework. To install, run the CLI command:
npm install -g --save-dev [email protected]
- Cause: The contract probably doesn't exist at the address.
- Solution: Correct the address. You probably just need to uncomment the current address, and change the address for testRPC since another developer would use a different address.
- Cause: testRPC or geth process is locked. This occassionally occurs on Windows 10.
- Solution: You'll need to press any key in the Powershell console to unlock it. Alternatively, use CMD or VS Code Integrated Terminal.
Error: invalid address
at inputAddressFormatter (drive:\HDMDLink\node_modules\web3\lib\web3\formatters.js:273:11)
- Cause: The address of the wallet is not authorized to mint.
- Solution: Invoke the allowMinter function in truffle or other client where you are the contract owner, and pass the address of web3.eth.defaultAccount as a parameter. After that, the address should be allowed to invoke the mint function.
Error: VM Exception while processing transaction: invalid opcode
at batchTransfer
- Cause: The initial contribution needs to add up exactly to the balance of the account that you are transferring from. The contract only supports 8 decimal places, and due to roudning, you may end up transferring more than the available balance in your account.
- Solution: Ensure that your total transfer amount (in hdmdContributions.js) when rounded to 8 decimals does not result in exceeding the balance of the contract owner's account.
- Cause: Object names are case-sensitive in MongoDB, but the Moongoose package changes your collection names to lowercase.
- Solution: Check your casing.