A web app that uses the Last.fm API and the Spotify API to like tracks on Spotify that are your top tracks on Last.fm.
Create a Last.fm API app. Set http://localhost:8080/auth/lastfm
as the redirect URL.
Create a Spotify API app. Set http://localhost:8080/auth/spotify
as the redirect URL. Select the 'Web API' as the API your app will use.
The backend is a Go server written using Go version 1.19.4.
cp config.yml.example config.yml
Add your Last.fm API key and secret to config.yml, as well as your Spotify client ID and client secret. Make sure the backend port matches the redirect URLs you set on Spotify and Last.fm. Come up with a new secret, such as from randomkeygen.com for "secret" in config.yml.
go run cmd/server/main.go
The UI is a React app using Vite.
cd ui
cp .env.example .env
Add your Last.fm API key to .env, as well as your Spotify client ID. Last.fm and Spotify secrets should not be in .env.
npm install
npm run dev