Inspired by an amusing conversation with a friend about containers and hot dog carts, I decided to put a hot dog cart inside a container image.
$ podman run -it --rm
-+=====:::::::::::::::::::::::::.. :::+===+++++++++++======-==----:...
.::::::. .. .----------+*++
.:::::. :-+#*+++=-==+===========:::::::---++++.
.::. .-=++++==++=================----------+++-
:::::-----==+++=--:::::::--------------*+=-.. .:::.
.==#+*=-::::::::+#=-+=-::::-:-----------#%%#:-::::: :-+:
++#+**=-----=----+%+++=-:::-------------+=++::::::: :-+=::.
=++-=-----===-----+@*++-----------------::--: ..... .:::::.
=*=-::......-+%=:::::::..... ....-*+*+.
.-+++=====+*+. ...
"Docker is the equivalent of wanting a hot dog and having someone instantly appear
with a hot dog cart, with hot dogs cooking on it. As soon as you take a hot dog off
the cart- *poof*! The hot dog cart just disappears into the ether, without a trace.
And you are left with a hot dog."
- Colin Dean