E-commerce website selling Hari Potier famous books. Several features have been implemented:
- Adding any of the seven books to the shopping cart
- Displaying in real time the shopping cart size (top-right corner of the navbar)
- Managing the cart: Adding or removing one quantity of the article Removing all quantities of an article
- Calculating the best offer for the cart each time that the cart changes
- Git
- NodeJs
To deploy the project and install all the dependencies, clone the repository from github (see git commands below)
git clone https://github.com/charesbast/testHP.git # clone repository
#install (Web Server)
npm install # install nodejs dependencies
bower install # install bower dependencies
#Gulp tasks
gulp serve # Web server on port 3000
gulp test # launch all unit tests
gulp build # packages the app for deployment
(concat + minify html/css/js and bower dependencies)
bower_components/ --> libraries managed by bower
dist/ --> all of the files to be used in production
gulp/ --> all gulp tasks
node_modules/ --> libraries managed by nodeJs
src/ --> files used for development
components/ --> angular components
directives/ --> angular directives
services/ --> angular services/factories
shopping_cart/ --> shopping_cart module
store/ --> store module
images/ --> images stored locally
fonts/ --> fonts files