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Populate a YOURLS database via GitHub Actions


The YOURLS Action is used to populate the YOURLS tables from a filesystem of CSVs.

This container is run during the Github workflow.


The deployment is intended to run after the creation of a MySQL server with a valid YOURLS schema.

  • yourls-mysql is the Docker build a YOURLS deployment with for MySQL 5.7
  • yourls-action is the Docker build for the python package supporting the YOURLS population.
  • docker-compose.yml is the Docker compose setup for the two containers.


The basic workflow is to build the containers:

docker compose build

Then start start MySQL:

docker compose up -d mysql

Then run the yourls-action container to fill the database:

docker run \
    --rm \
    --name yourls-action \
    --network=yourls-action_default \
    --env YOURLS_DB_PASSWORD=${YOURLS_DB_PASSWORD:-arootpassword} \
    --env YOURLS_DB_USER=${YOURLS_DB_USER:-root} \
    --env YOURLS_DB_HOST=${YOURLS_DB_HOST:-mysql} \
    -v ./namespaces:/namespaces \

Then generate a SQL dump of the database:

docker exec mysql sh / | gzip > yourls.sql.gz