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Nexpo models

Victor Winberg edited this page Oct 7, 2018 · 6 revisions

New Model


const User = {
  username: String,
  firstName: String,
  lastName: String,
  email: String,
  foodPreferences: String,
  phoneNumber: String,
  many_to_many: {
    roles: Role

const Role = {
  type: String,
  many_to_many: {
    users: User


const Student = {
  resumeEn: String,
  resumeSv: String,
  year: Number,
  gender: String,
  belongs_to: {
    user: User
  has_one: {
    programme: Programme,
    hostApplication: HostApplication,

const Programme = {
  code: String,
  name: String,
  has_many: {
    students: Student


const Company = {
  name: String,
  logoUrl: String,
  description: Text,
  website: String,
  studentSessionDays: Number,
  has_many: {
    desiredProgrammes: 'DesiredProgramme',
    companyAttributes: CompanyAttribute,
  many_to_many: {
    jobOffers: JobOffer,
    industries: Industry,

const JobOffer = {
  type: String,
  many_to_many: {
    companies: Company

const Industry = {
  name: String,
  many_to_many: {
    companies: Company

const CompanyAttribute = {
  type: String,
  title: String,
  value: String,
  belongs_to: {
    company: Company

Student Session

const StudentSession = {
  start: Date,
  end: Date,
  belongs_to: {
    company: Company,
    student: Student

const StudentSessionApplication = {
  motivation: Text,
  companyApproved: Boolean,
  studentConfirmed: Boolean,
  belongs_to: {
    company: Company,
    student: Student

const StudentSessionTimeSlot = {
  start: Date,
  end: Date,
  used: Boolean,
  belongs_to: {
    company: Company

Host Application

const HostApplication = {
  motivation: Text,
  shirtSize: String,
  score: Number,
  heardVia: String,
  availability: String,
  internationalStudent: Boolean,
  driverLicense: Boolean,
  attendKickoff: Boolean,
  attendGasque: Boolean,
  hasArkadExperience: Boolean,
  has_one: {
    hostApplicationResponse: HostApplicationResponse,
  has_many: {
    companies: 'HostApplicationCompany',
    tasks: 'HostApplicationTask',

const HostApplicationResponse = {
  approved: Boolean,
  score: Number,
  belongs_to: {
    hostApplication: HostApplication
  has_one: {
    task: Task,
    company: Company

const HostGroup = {
  name: String,
  description: Text,
  applicationStart: Date,
  applicationEnd: Date,
  has_many: {
    tasks: Task

const Task = {
  name: String,
  belongs_to: {
    hostGroup: HostGroup

Event (attributes needs update)

const Event = {
  name: String,
  photoUrl: String,
  location: String,
  language: String,
  description: String,
  nrofseats: Number, // name ?
  hasFood: Boolean,
  typeoffood: String, // ?
  start: Date,
  end: Date,
  lastRegistrationDate: Date,
  eventUrl: String,
  has_one: {
    registeredMail: MailTemplate,
    unregisteredMail: MailTemplate,
    enrolledMail: MailTemplate,
    reservMail: MailTemplate,
  has_many: {
    eventReservations: EventReservation

const EventReservation = {
  status: String, // NOT_HANDLED, RESERV, ENROLLED
  showedUp: Boolean,
  additionalInformation: String,
  belongs_to: {
    event: Event,
    student: Student


const Gasque = {
  location: String,
  capacity: Number,
  buffer: Number,
  price: Number,
  start: Date,  // required: Please fill starttime for Banquet
  end: Date,    // required: Please fill endtime for Banquet
  has_one: {
    thankyoumail: Mailtemplate,
    reservmail: Mailtemplate,
    paymentreceivedmail: Mailtemplate,
    paymentinformationmail: Mailtemplate,
    unregisteredmail: Mailtemplate,
    seatofferedmail: Mailtemplate
const GasqueReservation = {
  status: String, // NOT_HANDLED, RESERV, ENROLLED
  membership: String,   // required: Membership has to be chosen
  drinkpackage: String, // required: Drink package has to be chosen
  payed: Boolean,
  ocr: String,          // default: YOUR_NAME
  belongs_to: {
    user: User


const Deadline = {
  name: String,
  start: Date,
  end: Date
const Option = {
  name: String,
  value: String

Mail template

const MailTemplate = {
  name: String,
  subject: String,
  content: Text,
  signature: String
Old Model

Old Model


const User = {
  firstName: String,  // required: Please fill in your first name
  lastName: String,   // required: Please fill in your last name
  displayName: String,
  email: String,      // Please fill a valid email address
  username: {
    type: String,
    unique: 'Username already exists',
    required: 'Please fill in a username',
  program: String,
  phone: String,
  foodpref: String,
  password: String,
  salt: String,
  profileImageURL: String,  // default: '/img/profile/default.png'
  provider: String,         // required: Provider is required
  providerData: {},
  additionalProvidersData: {},
  roles: {
    type: [{
      type: String,
      enum: ['user', 'admin']
    default: ['user'],
    required: 'Please provide at least one role'
  resetPasswordToken: String,
  resetPasswordExpires: Date


const Student = {
  name: String, // required: Please fill Student name
  assignment: String,
  education: String,
  profile: String,
  user: User


const Application = {
  name: String,       // required
  year: String,       // default: true
  companies: [{
    name: String,
    motivation: String,
    resumeLanguage: String,
    htmlPdfLink: String
  resume: {
    swedishLink: String,
    englishLink: String
  phone: String,      // default: true
  email: String,      // default: true
  times: [{ day: String, hour: [ Number ] }],
  program: String,    // default: true
  user: User


const Applicationsetting = {
  startdate: Date,        // required: Please fill the start date for the application period
  enddate: Date,          // required: Please fill the end date for the application period
  terminatedate: Date,    // required: Please fill the date of termination for this setting
  frontpagehtml: String,  // required: Please fill HTML code for front page
  meetingtime: String,
  name: String,           // required: Please fill Applicationsetting name
  active: Boolean,        // default: false
  user: User


const Company = {
  name: String, // required: Please fill Company name
  facility: String,
  profileImageURL: String,
  description: String,
  weOffer: [String],
  desiredProgramme: [{ type: String }],
  branch: [{ type: String }],
  whyStudentSession: String,
  didYouKnow: String,
  website: String,
  language: String,
  wednesday: {
    hasMeetings: Boolean,
    meetingLength: Number,
    starttime: String,
    endtime: String,
    lunchstart: String,
    lunchend: String
  thursday: {
    hasMeetings: Boolean,
    meetingLength: Number,
    starttime: String,
    endtime: String,
    lunchstart: String,
    lunchend: String
  meetings: [{
    student: {
      id: Application,
      name: String
    startTime: String,
    endTime: String,
    day: String,
    forced: Boolean,
    fixed: Boolean
  chosenStudents: [Application],
  active: Boolean,
  gasqueTickets: Number,
  drinkTickets: Number,
  user: User


const Taskgroup = {
  name: String, // required: Please fill Taskgroup name
  engname: String, // required: Please fill the english Taskgroup name
  description: String,
  tasks: [ { name: String, quantity: Number, description: String } ],
  taskperiod: { start: Date, end: Date },
  applicationperiod: { start: Date, end: Date },
  active: Boolean,
  user: User


const Taskapplication = {
  name: String,       // required: Please fill the applicants name
  program: String,    // required: Please fill the applicants program
  year: String,       // required: Please fill the applicants year
  email: String,      // required: Please fill the applicants email
  phone: String,      // required: Please fill the applicants phone
  tshirtsize: String, // required: Please fill the applicants tshirtsize
  foodpref: String,
  motivation: String, // required: Please fill the applicants motivation
  heardvia: String,   // required: Please fill in where you heard about arkad
  availability: {
    type: String,
    default: 'Always',
    required: 'Please fill the applicants availability during arkad',
  choices: [{ order: Number, choice: String }],
  internationalStudent: Boolean, // required: Please fill if the applicant is a international student
  driverLicense: Boolean,   // required: Please fill if the applicant has a driver license
  attendGasque: Boolean,    // required: Please fill if the applicant can attend the gasque
  attendKickoff: Boolean,   // required: Please fill if the applicant can attend the host kickoff
  assignedCompany: String,
  chosenCompanies: [{
    name: String,
    order: Number
  assignedTask: String,
  point: Number,
  taskgroup: Taskgroup,
  user: User


const Mailtemplate = {
  name: String, // required: Please fill Mailtemplate name
  subject: String,
  content: String,
  signature: String,
  user: User


const Banquet = {
  name: String,       // required: Please fill Banquet name
  textNonpaying: String,
  textPaying: String,
  location: String,
  capacity: Number,
  buffer: Number,
  date: Date,         // required: Please fill Banquet date
  starttime: String,  // required: Please fill starttime for Banquet
  endtime: String,    // required: Please fill endtime for Banquet
  tables: [{
    name: String,
    quantity: Number,
    description: String
  active: Boolean,    // required: Please fill status of the Banquet
  thankyoumail: Mailtemplate,
  reservmail: Mailtemplate,
  paymentreceivedmail: Mailtemplate,
  paymentinformationmail: Mailtemplate,
  unregisteredmail: Mailtemplate,
  seatofferedmail: Mailtemplate,
  user: User


const GasqueReservation = {
  name: String,         // required: Please fill in your name
  email: String,
  phone: String,
  program: String,
  company: String,
  title: String,
  membership: String,   // required: Membership has to be chosen
  drinkpackage: String, // required: Drink package has to be chosen
  foodpref: [String],
  other: String,
  gender: String,       // required: Please fill in your gender
  desiredPrograms: [String],
  price: Number,
  payed: Boolean,
  ocr: String,          // default: YOUR_NAME
  confirmed: Boolean,
  honorary: Boolean,
  enrolled: Boolean,
  reserve: Boolean,
  pending: Boolean,
  pendingdeadline: Date,
  user: User


const Tableplanning = {
  name: String, // required: Please fill Tableplanning name
  tables: [{
    nbrSeats: Number,
    name: String,
    seats: [{
      nbr: Number,
      name: String,
      company: String,
      matched: Number,
      gender: String,
      id: GasqueReservation
  user: User


const Arkadevent = {
  name: String,         // required: Please fill in a name for the event.
  photo: String,
  data: {},
  location: String,     // required: Please fill in a location for the event.
  language: String,     // required: Please pick a language for the event.
  description: String,  // required: Please fill in a description for the event.
  seatstaken: Number,
  nrofseats: Number,    // required: Please fill in the maximum number of seats.
  foodserved: Boolean,
  typeoffood: String,
  date: Date,                 // required: Pick a date for the event.
  starttime: Date,            // required: Pick a start time for the event.
  endtime: Date,              // required: Pick an end time for the event.
  lastregistrationdate: Date, // required: Pick a last registration date for the event.
  registeredmail: Mailtemplate,
  reservmail: Mailtemplate,
  unregisteredmail: Mailtemplate,
  seatofferedmail: Mailtemplate,
  public: Boolean,
  reservationopen: Boolean,
  eventURL: String,          // default: process.env.HOST_URL + "/reservations/create/"
  user: User


const EventReservation = {
  name: String,     // required: Please fill Reservation name
  program: String,  // required: Please fill program
  year: String,     // required: Please fill year
  email: String,    // required: Please fill the email
  phone: String,    // required: Please fill the phonenumber
  foodpref: [String],
  other: String,
  showedup: Boolean,
  arkadevent: Arkadevent,
  enrolled: Boolean,
  standby: Boolean,
  pending: Boolean,
  offer: Date,
  user: User