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NodeJS Script for downloading Visual Studio Code extensions.

Use Cases

  • Downloads the extensions as .vsix files
  • Allow an offline VSCode instance to install extensions offline
  • Download the extensions for an arbitrary target platform


  • Only the latest extension version can be downloaded
  • The latest version might be a pre-release version
  • Requires to download a Chromium browser binary

How it works

This script uses a headless Chromium browser & NodeJS to download the extensions. A .txt newline-delimited list of extension ids must be supplied.

How to use


  1. Download & Install NodeJS. Version 16 or above is good.
  2. Git Clone the repository, or download a .zip package from the Releases page.
  3. Enter the repository which you'd cloned/unzipped, and install this project's NPM packages via npm install.


Prepare a newline-limited file of extension ids. If VSCode is in your $PATH you can run the following command to export a list of extensions:

$ code --list-extensions > extensions.txt

The following command runs the script and downloads it to the ~/Downloads/vscode-ext/'s directory:

$ node src/index.js -i extensions.txt

The following options are available:

  -i, --input  A newline-delimited list of extension ids to download. You can run VSCode CLI to generate this: `code --list-extensions > extensions.txt                                        [string] [required]

  -o, --output    Destination folder
                            [default: "C:\Users\me\Downloads\vscode-ext"]
  -t, --timeout   Download-timeout (seconds) per extension
                                                    [number] [default: 180]
  -p, --platform  List of platforms to download - the rest are ignored
  [array] [choices: "win32-x64", "win32-ia32", "win32-arm64", "linux-x64", "linux-arm64", "linux-armhf", "darwin-x64", "darwin-arm64", "alpine-x64",  "web", "alpine-arm64"] [default: ["win32-x64"]]
  -d, --debug     Uses non-headless mode to perform the download
                                                [boolean] [default: false]
  -h, --help      Show help                     [boolean]