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This is my personal nix-config. If you'd like to experiment with nix in a containerized environment, consider trying nixpod before attempting to use something like this repository or one of the credited examples below.


The configuration is structured using hercules-ci/flake-parts based on srid/nixos-unified.

Directory tree:

  • configurations/: System-specific configurations
  • modules/: Reusable nix modules
  • overlays/: Package modifications
  • packages/: Custom package definitions
  • secrets/: Protected configuration data

This enables supporting shared configuration:

  • Universal home-manager configurations for multiple users
  • MacOS configurations via nix-darwin
  • NixOS configurations for both local and remote VMs
❯ om show .

📦 Packages (nix build .#<name>)
│ name     │ description                                           │
│ activate │ Activate NixOS/nix-darwin/home-manager configurations │
│ default  │ Activate NixOS/nix-darwin/home-manager configurations │
│ update   │ Update the primary flake inputs                       │

🐚 Devshells (nix develop .#<name>)
│ name    │ description                    │
│ default │ Dev environment for nix-config │

🔍 Checks (nix flake check)
│ name       │ description │
│ pre-commit │ N/A         │

🐧 NixOS Configurations 
(nixos-rebuild build --flake .#<name> to test; 
 change `build` --> `switch` or
 nix run .#activate on named host to instantiate)
│ name      │ description │
│ orb-nixos │ N/A         │

🍏 Darwin Configurations 
(darwin-rebuild build --flake .#<name> to test; 
 change `build` --> `switch` or
 nix run .#activate on named host to instantiate)
│ name           │ description │
│ macbook-darwin │ N/A         │
│ MGB033059      │ N/A         │

🔧 NixOS Modules
│ name    │ description │
│ common  │ N/A         │
│ default │ N/A         │

🎨 Overlays
│ name    │ description │
│ default │ N/A         │


Run direnv allow or nix develop and then just for a table of commands.

❯ just

Run 'just -n <command>' to print what would be executed...

Available recipes:
    default                                        # Run 'just <command>' to execute a command.
    help                                           # Display help

    io                                             # Print nix flake inputs and outputs
    lint                                           # Lint nix files
    dev                                            # Manually enter dev shell
    clean                                          # Remove build output link (no garbage collection)
    build profile                                  # Build nix flake
    check                                          # Check nix flake
    switch                                         # Run nix flake to execute `nix run .#activate` for the current host.
    switch-home                                    # Run nix flake to execute `nix run .#activate-home` for the current user.
    switch-wrapper                                 # Run nix flake with explicit use of the sudo in `/run/wrappers`
    bootstrap-shell                                # Shell with bootstrap dependencies
    update                                         # Update nix flake
    update-primary-inputs                          # Update primary nix flake inputs (see flake.nix)

    home-manager-bootstrap-build profile="aarch64-linux" # Bootstrap build home-manager with flake
    home-manager-bootstrap-switch profile="aarch64-linux" # Bootstrap switch home-manager with flake
    home-manager-build profile="aarch64-linux"     # Build home-manager with flake
    home-manager-switch profile="aarch64-linux"    # Switch home-manager with flake

    darwin-bootstrap profile="aarch64"             # Bootstrap nix-darwin with flake
    darwin-build profile="aarch64"                 # Build darwin from flake
    darwin-switch profile="aarch64"                # Switch darwin from flake
    darwin-test profile="aarch64"                  # Test darwin from flake

    nixos-bootstrap destination username publickey # Bootstrap nixos
    nixos-vm-sync user destination                 # Copy flake to VM
    nixos-build profile="aarch64"                  # Build nixos from flake
    nixos-test profile="aarch64"                   # Test nixos from flake
    nixos-switch profile="aarch64"                 # Switch nixos from flake

    show                                           # Show existing secrets
    create-secret name                             # Create a secret with the given name
    populate-single-secret name path               # Populate a single secret with the contents of a dotenv-formatted file
    populate-separate-secrets path                 # Populate each line of a dotenv-formatted file as a separate secret
    create-and-populate-single-secret name path    # Complete process: Create a secret and populate it with the entire contents of a dotenv file
    create-and-populate-separate-secrets path      # Complete process: Create and populate separate secrets for each line in the dotenv file
    get-secret name                                # Retrieve the contents of a given secret
    seed-dotenv                                    # Create empty dotenv from template
    export                                         # Export unique secrets to dotenv format
    check-secrets                                  # Check secrets are available in teller shell.
    get-kubeconfig                                 # Save KUBECONFIG to file

    ghsecrets repo="cameronraysmith/nix-config"    # Update github secrets for repo from environment variables
    list-workflows                                 # List available workflows and associated jobs.
    test-flake-workflow                            # Execute flake.yaml workflow.
    ratchet-pin                                    # Pin all workflow versions to hash values (requires Docker)
    ratchet-unpin                                  # Unpin hashed workflow versions to semantic values (requires Docker)
    ratchet-update                                 # Update GitHub Actions workflows to the latest version (requires Docker) running 'just <command>'.
This message is printed by 'just help' and just 'just'.
