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Configuration Reference

Jakob Borg edited this page Dec 7, 2013 · 1 revision

This document describes the file format used for tunnel definitions. It follows the common "INI" format with section headers in [brackets] followed by directives on the form element="a value".

The purpose of mole is to allow easy setup of SSH/VPN connections and related tunnels. All tunnel definition files must be entirely self contained, that is it must never be necessary for the user to interact during the login process to give a password or similar. Tunnel definitions should also be self documented, so make sure to use clear and descriptive names for hosts and forwards.

A tunnel definition consists of:

  • exactly one general section,
  • zero or more hosts sections,
  • zero or more forwards sections,
  • an optional vpnc section,
  • an optional openconnect section,
  • an optional vpn routes section which must only be present in combination with a vpnc section.

You need to either have at least one host or at least one forward.


Comments start with ; in the first column and continue until end of line. Comments are guaranteed to be retained in pushing etc. and may be shown when connecting to a tunnel. Specifically,

  • File comments (those prior to any section) and comments on the [general] section will be shown before attempting to connect the tunnel with mole dig.
  • Comments in [forwards.*] sections will be shown in proximity to the forward information after connecting a tunnel.

Comments in other sections will be retained and visible in mole show -r but have no other effect. A ; in any position other than the first column does not start a comment.

Section general

The general section contains four mandatory elements;

  • description - A free text description of this configuration that is displayed by mole list.
  • author - Name and email of the configuration file author.
  • main - Name of the host to connect to when the tunnel definition is invoked.
  • version - Configuration format version. Current version is 3.2.


; Break glass in case of emergency
description = OperatorOne (UK, production network)
author = Jakob Borg <[email protected]>
main = op1prod
version = 3

Section hosts

There can be any number of host sections. Each describes a host that is reachable via SSH, either directly or via another host. The name of the host is set in the section header, after the host keyword. The host name cannot contain spaces. The following elements can be set for each host:

  • addr - IP address or DNS name of the host.
  • port - Port number where an SSH daemon is listening.
  • user - The username to use when authenticating.
  • password - Password to use when authenticating.
  • key - SSH key to use when authenticating.
  • via - Name of another host to bounce via in order to reach this host. Must be the name of host defined elsewhere in the same tunnel definition file.
  • socks - Address and port of a SOCKS proxy to connect to this host via. Cannot be used together with via (although another host can of course connect via this one).

Of these, addr and user are mandatory. port is optional and defaults to 22. Either password or key must be specified so the login can be completed noninteratively. In case key is used, it be a quoted string containing a valid SSH private key with newlines replaces by \n. The key must not be protected by a password.


addr =
user = admin
password = 3x4mpl3
port = 2222
socks =

addr =
user = admin
key = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEogIBAAKCAQEAxymzAVzTX6oJTlZ5uCkqjdrDb/ovLZ6VktH+i5h2wdJpyT3f\ns2Q23e ...etc"
via = op1jump

Section forwards

The forward sections describes SSH port forwardings that will be set up when the destination is reached. The name of the forward is set in the section header after the forwards keyword and may contains spaces and special characters within reason. The first part (i.e. up to any whitespace) will be used as host name and inserted into the local hosts file upon tunnel establishment. Any dots will need to be escaped, i.e. [hosts.example\.com] to name the forward

Each element withing the forward section is a pair on the form <local address>:<port> = <remote address>:<port>. The local side can use addresses other than but still in the block; these will be added to the local loopback interface if they don't already exist.

The remote port can be left out if it is the same as the local port. If the remote port is left out, the local port can be a dash separate range. Local ports need to be higher than 1024.

If there is no SSH configuration, but there is a VPN configuration, then the forwards will be done from the local computer. This can be used to provide the user with the same usage pattern as in the SSH forward case and also keep the tunnel definition self documenting.


[forwards.hostA]        = =

[forwards.hostB] =

Section vpnc

The vpnc section defines a configuration for the vpnc Cisco VPN command line client. The elements are any configuration directives recognized by vpnc, with spaces replaced by underscores. Element names cannot contain special characters such as paranthesis, but since there is no equal sign or similar in a vpnc configuration a line like

DPD idle timeout (our side) 0

can be represented in the tunnel definition as

DPD_idle_timeout = "(our side) 0"

The configuration must contain Xauth username and password since it must be able to connect noninteractively.

The vpnc section is optional and requires that vpnc be installed if present. If present, the VPN will be connected before any attempts are made to connect to hosts defined as above.


IPSec_gateway =
IPSec_secret = abrakadabra
Xauth_username = extuser
Xauth_password = K0ssanmu7
IKE_Authmode = psk
DPD_idle_timeout = "(our side) 0"
NAT_Traversal_Mode = force-natt
Local_Port = 0
Cisco_UDP_Encapsulation_Port = 0

Section openconnect

The openconnect section defines a configuration for the openconnect Cisco AnyConnect VPN client. The elements are any command line flags recognized by openconnect. The special value "yes" is interpreted to mean the flag is a boolean and only the flag is given to opencpnnect. The special option "password" is the cleartext password for the VPN.


server =
user = vpnuser
password = s3cr3tp4ssw0rd
no-cert-check = yes

Section vpn routes

The vpn routes section is optional and can be present when there is a vpnc or openconnect section as above. The purpose of this section is to avoid installing unwanted routes such as a default route or routes that may conflict with the local topology. If present, any "split VPN" routes sent by the VPN server will be discarded and the routes mentioned in this section will be used instead. The format of elements in this section is <network> = <mask bits>, so to allow add an element


[vpn routes] = 16 = 24 = 24