This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 6, 2023. It is now read-only.
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What's Changed
- Compatibility with lsassy v3.1.3 by @Hackndo in #603
- Added an LDAP checker for Signing AND Channel Binding by @LuemmelSec in #606
- Hash_spider Module by @pgormanDS in #528
- Fix subnets module by @snovvcrash in #609
- Adding shebang and encoding utf-8 for all python files by @wlayzz in #608
- whoami LDAP module by @spyr0-sec in #613
- Fix logging with LDAPS protocol by @Dramelac in #641
- Cmedb export shares by @ILightThings in #638
- FTP Protocol Addition by @RomanRII in #639
- LDAP protocol improvements and scan-network module bugfix by @nurfed1 in #642
- Mssql upload / download by @guervild in #597
- Add the new LDAP module and the library by @BlWasp in #610
- Add KeePass discovery module by @d3lb3 in #636
- Add KeePass trigger abuse module by @d3lb3 in #637
- Improved cmedb export function by @ILightThings in #643
- Module to check for NTLMv1 Compatibility by @Tw1sm in #640
- Module to check for AlwaysInstallElevated by @bogey3 in #646
- fix(#649) : Fix Wrong filename on RDP screenshot issue by @jdouliez in #650
- Added functionality to retrieve ssoauthookie from Microsoft Teams local db by @R-Secure in #647
- Improve CMEDB HELP after loosing too much time with workspace .. by @shoxxdj in #652
- Update to support multi users by @LuemmelSec in #654
- Add GMSA module by @swisskyrepo in #614
- Fix regression for mssql with local_auth thx @juliourena by @mpgn in #658
- Add Masky module by @Z4kSec in #653
- Fix kerberos authentication by @zblurx in #655
- Fix #663 - Preventing non admin with access to share folder to READ and WRITE. by @juliourena in #665
- Added an NLA disabled screenshot function by @lap1nou in #666
- Add the Impersonate module by @Dfte in #601
- Fix #668 - Remove @requires_admin flag for WMI queries by @juliourena in #669
- Bump aardwolf to version 0.2.0 by @mpgn in #662
- bugfix : cant export csv by @shoxxdj in #670
- Fix #671 - handlekatz and procdump modules fail by @juliourena in #672
- Fix #674 - web_delivery module - Added the option to select architecture (64 or 32) by @juliourena in #675
- Fix #676 - bh_owned module output always returning false by @juliourena in #677
New Contributors
- @LuemmelSec made their first contribution in #606
- @pgormanDS made their first contribution in #528
- @wlayzz made their first contribution in #608
- @spyr0-sec made their first contribution in #613
- @Dramelac made their first contribution in #641
- @ILightThings made their first contribution in #638
- @RomanRII made their first contribution in #639
- @nurfed1 made their first contribution in #642
- @guervild made their first contribution in #597
- @BlWasp made their first contribution in #610
- @d3lb3 made their first contribution in #636
- @Tw1sm made their first contribution in #640
- @bogey3 made their first contribution in #646
- @jdouliez made their first contribution in #650
- @R-Secure made their first contribution in #647
- @swisskyrepo made their first contribution in #614
- @Z4kSec made their first contribution in #653
- @juliourena made their first contribution in #665
- @Dfte made their first contribution in #601
All binaries on =>
Full Changelog: v5.3.0...v5.4.0