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Prometheus AlertManager Receiver for Hume

Arturo Busleiman aka Buanzo edited this page Jul 7, 2020 · 1 revision

If you use Prometheus in your infrastructure, you are probably aware of how awesome it is going from 'Disk is 70% full' to 'Disk will be full in 4 hours at the current write rate'.

You can implement a hume-webhook receiver for AlertManager by editing alertmanager.yml like this:

- name: hume-webhook
  - url: "http://localhost:8090/"
  group_by: ['alertname', 'cluster', 'service']
  group_wait: 10s
  group_interval: 5m
  receiver: hume-webhook
  repeat_interval: 3h

This is a work in progress! humed-1.2.12 from Pypi implements all necessary code, but the script that implements the receiver itself (the one that binds to localhost:8090) needs to be taken from the git repo:

Once it is stable and includes all necessary command like arguments I will add it to the pypi release.