@ethereumjs/tx / FeeMarketEIP1559TxData
FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction data.
- accessList
- chainId
- data
- gasLimit
- gasPrice
- maxFeePerGas
- maxPriorityFeePerGas
- nonce
- r
- s
- to
- type
- v
- value
• Optional
accessList: null
| AccessListBytes
| AccessList
The access list which contains the addresses/storage slots which the transaction wishes to access
• Optional
chainId: BigIntLike
The transaction's chain ID
• Optional
data: BytesLike
This will contain the data of the message or the init of a contract.
• Optional
gasLimit: BigIntLike
The transaction's gas limit.
• Optional
gasPrice: null
The transaction's gas price, inherited from Transaction. This property is not used for EIP1559 transactions and should always be undefined for this specific transaction type.
• Optional
maxFeePerGas: BigIntLike
The maximum total fee
• Optional
maxPriorityFeePerGas: BigIntLike
The maximum inclusion fee per gas (this fee is given to the miner)
• Optional
nonce: BigIntLike
The transaction's nonce.
• Optional
r: BigIntLike
EC signature parameter.
• Optional
s: BigIntLike
EC signature parameter.
• Optional
to: AddressLike
The transaction's the address is sent to.
• Optional
type: BigIntLike
The transaction type
• Optional
v: BigIntLike
EC recovery ID.
• Optional
value: BigIntLike
The amount of Ether sent.