Topical is a publish/subscribe based messaging system organised around topics.
Users may subscribe and unsubscribe to messages in a topic and post messages to any topic (even those they are not subscribed to). They can also request to receive any messages from a topic in order to read them. Once a user has received a message they will not receive it again.
To run Topical, you will need Python 3 and the virtualenv tool. To initialise the virtual environment and run topical:
$ virtualenv --python=python3 venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ python3 develop
$ topical
By default topical will run on port 8080, you can use the --port option to change it if you already have software running on port 8080.
Disclaimer - this works on Ubuntu 15.10 but should also work on any other environment with python3 and virtualenv available
After activating the virtual environment, tests can be run with:
$ python3 nosetests
This will run unit and acceptance tests and generate coverage reports