Create and manage an archival workspace for your Neorg notes.
This module depends on neorg-interim-ls. Note the temporary nature of interim-ls, this plugin will be updated once an official Neorg LSP is created.
Rocks.nvim 🗿
:Rocks install neorg-archive
-- neorg.lua
lazy = false,
version = "*",
config = true,
dependencies = {
{ "bottd/neorg-archive" }
Two configuration steps are required. First, add an archive workspace:
load = {
["core.dirman"] = {
config = {
workspaces = {
archive = "path/to/your/archive",
["external.interim-ls"] = {
-- find interim-ls options here:
["external.archive"] = {
-- default config
config = {
-- (Optional) Archive workspace name, defaults to "archive"
workspace = "archive",
-- (Optional) Enable/disable confirming archive operations
confirm = true
The archive module adds the following commands:
Moves the currently opened file to the archive: archive-workspace/workspace-name/path-to-file
Moves an archived file back to it's workspace from archive-workspace/workspace/file.norg
to workspace/file.norg