mvn package -DskipTests
docker build -t config-watcher-demo -f Dockerfile .
kubectl create ns backend
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/ -n backend
- the application will log secret-entries every 15 seconds
- watch logger via
kubectl logs -n backend $(kubectl get pods -l app=config-watcher-demo -n backend) --follow
- edit secret
viakubectl edit secret -n backend demo-secret2
- try adding another entry to
starting withstorageconnections.
- what is being logged?
- what is in the mounted volume (
kùbectl exec -n backend $(kubectl get pods -l app=config-watcher-demo -n backend) -it -- /bin/sh
->ls /etc/secrets2
- try removing an entry
- what is being logged?
- what is in the mounted volume (
kùbectl exec -n backend $(kubectl get pods -l app=config-watcher-demo -n backend) -it -- /bin/sh
->ls /etc/secrets2