A Distributed Transactional Key-Value Store for Concurrent Data Management
Professors: Paolo Romano and João Garcia
Master in Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Design and Implementation of Distributed Applications - Group 05
Winter Semester of 2023/2024
For more in-depth knowledge about the project, check the paper about it here.
The solution to the project is divided into 4 projects:
- DadtkvClient: Client application that communicates with the Transaction Managers, using the DADTKVService interface.
- DadtkvTransactionManager: Transaction Manager application.
- DadtkvLeaseManager: Lease Manager application.
- DadtkvCore: Contains the interfaces and classes that are common to all the other projects, including the configuration of the system. It also contains the System Manager application, which is used to start and shutdown the system.
The project can be run using the System Manager application, which is located in the DadtkvCore project.
The System Manager only receives one argument, which is the path to the configuration file (relative to the solution). A
configuration file is located in DadtkvCore/Configuration/configuration_sample.txt
To run the system, follow these steps:
- Open a terminal in the solution's root directory.
- Run
dotnet clean
to clean the solution (if needed). - Run
dotnet build
to build the solution. - Run
dotnet run --project DadtkvCore/DadtkvCore.csproj <configuration_file_path>
to run the System Manager application. For example, as the configuration file is located in the Configuration folder, the command would bedotnet run --project DadtkvCore/DadtkvCore.csproj "./DadtkvCore/Configuration/configuration_sample.txt"