Spontaneous reporting systems are used in the field of pharmacovigilance to detect (previously unknown) associations between drugs and adverse events (AEs). This R
package allows for simulating large spontaneous reporting data sets. See https://srs.bips.eu/ for an example on how this simulator could be used.
To install, simply type in R
See for usage the function descriptions, especially
Please cite
Adverse Drug Reaction or Innocent Bystander? A Systematic Comparison of Statistical Discovery Methods for Spontaneous Reporting Systems
L.J. Dijkstra, M. Garling, R. Foraita & I. Pigeot
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (2020)
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the innovation fund (“Innovationsfonds”) of the Federal Joint Committee in Germany (grant number: 01VSF16020).
Louis Dijkstra