A repository for all material presented during The Odyssey: Android's First Firmware Binary Transparency via Pixel.
talk at the 1st Workshop on Cryptography Applied to Transparency Systems (CATS2023).
A brief summary of what this repository contains:
- slides
- demo (youtube)
- a patch that can be applied to the copy of the android-key-attestation repository.
- link to the Android Verified Boot (AVB) repository from AOSP.
- directory containing example implementation of an app that makes use of Android Key Attestation.
- contains source code that can be built using Android Studio.
- contains a pre-built debug app that can be a installed straight to an Android device using the following command
adb install -t KeyAttestationIdExtractor-debug.apk
. - the app can be invoked/launched after installation using this command:
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.SEND -t text --es nonce [insert_random_string] -n com.test.keyattestationidextractor/.MainActivity
. - the certificate chain can be pulled from the device (if Pixel) using this command:
adb pull /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.test.keyattestationidextractor/files/response attestation_certs