see for source code.
This is a Plugin for Apache Fineract.
see TODO for possible future follow-up enhancement work.
This project is currently only tested against the very latest and greatest
bleeding edge Fineract develop
branch. Building and using it against
older versions may be possible, but is not tested or documented here.
git clone
cd fineract && ./gradlew bootJar && cd ..
git clone
cd fineract-pentaho && ./gradlew -x test distZip && cd ..
mkdir -p ~/.mifosx/pentahoReports/
cp ./fineract-pentaho/pentahoReports/* ~/.mifosx/pentahoReports/
curl --insecure --location --request GET 'https://localhost:8443/fineract-provider/api/v1/runreports/Expected%20Payments%20By%20Date%20-%20Formatted?R_endDate=2013-04-30&R_loanOfficerId=-1&R_officeId=1&R_startDate=2013-04-16&output-type=PDF&R_officeId=1' --header 'Fineract-Platform-TenantId: default' --header 'Authorization: Basic bWlmb3M6cGFzc3dvcmQ='
The API call (above) will fail on the server (see log) due to an intern error (somehow the SQL query in that particular report is currently actually broken), but this illustrates that the integration of Pentaho as a Fineract Plugin basically works. (FINERACT-1176 tracks improving API response.)
If the API call (above) fails with
"There is no ReportingProcessService registered in the ReportingProcessServiceProvider for this report type: Pentaho"
then this Fineract Pentaho Plugin has not been correctly registered & loaded by Apache Fineract.
The run
script is for Linux, but it should hopefully be easy to create
an equivalent run.bat
script for Windows users - please contribute it with a PR if you do!
That script basically just creates the following directory structure:
and then launches Apache Fineract with the Pentaho Plugin and all its JARs like this:
java -Dloader.path=lib/ -jar fineract-provider.jar
See also PentahoReportsTest
and the test
If this Fineract plugin project is useful to you, please contribute back to it (and Fineract) by raising Pull Requests yourself with any enhancements you make, and by helping to maintain this project by helping other users on Issues and reviewing PR from others (you will be promoted to committer on this project when you contribute). We recommend that you Watch and Star this project on GitHub to make it easy to get notified.