A sample Terraform template to deploy an AKS cluster. The aks_advnet_rbac directory has the terraform code to deploy an AKS cluster with AzureCNI into a custom network and enables Kubernetes RBAC control.
For best results ensure you have the latest Terraform for your workstation or use the Azure Cloud Shell which has the latest tools installed including Azure CLI, kubectl and Terraform.
To run Terraform in Azure Pipelines (unless using the new Terraform CLI task) you will need to provide the AAD Service Principal information. To create the Service Principal, run the following commands on your local machine:
az login
azure account set -s MySubscriptionId
az ad sp create-for-rbac
Make a note of your own appId
, password
and tenant
. These values are used for the environment variables.
Terraform persists a state file, allowing it to update . The backend "azurerm" block is used to configure the storage account target.
Use the following commands to create the storage account for the Terraform state. Use a different resource group than the one the AKS resources will be deployed to.
az group create -n MyResourceGroup -l MyLocation
az storage account create -n MyStorageAccount -g MyResourceGroup -l MyLocation --sku Standard_LRS
az storage account keys list -n MyStorageAccount
After the account has been created, update the storage_account_name attribute in backend "azurerm" block in main.tf to the new storage account name. Update the ARM_ACCESS_KEY environment variable to the new account access key.
NOTE: For the Airlift Challenge, please ensure all secrets are secure. Expected in the variables.tf file:
ARM_ACCESS_KEY - the storage access key for the terraform state (used by the backend "azurerm" block)
ARM_CLIENT_ID - The Client ID (appId) for the Service Principal to use for this Managed Kubernetes Cluster (used by the provider "azurerm" block)
ARM_CLIENT_SECRET - The Client Secret (password) for the Service Principal to use for this Managed Kubernetes Cluster (used by the provider "azurerm" block)
ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID - your Subscription ID (used by the provider "azurerm" block)
ARM_TENANT_ID - your Tenant ID (tenant) (used by the provider "azurerm" block)
(The environment variable should be defined with the TF_VAR_ prefix, but used without the TF_VAR_ prefix in the variables.tf)
TF_VAR_PREFIX - A prefix used for all resource names in this example
TF_VAR_LOCATION - The Azure Region in which all resources in this example should be provisioned
TF_VAR_ADMIN_SSH - Your SSH public key for the AKS cluster
TFSTATE_STORAGE - The name of the storage account where the Terraform state is kept (passed as an input into terraform init
To run the Terraform file on a local machine or in Azure Pipelines:
# Output all commands run and fail if any fail
set -e -x
cd aks_advnet_rbac
# Init terraform using the defined storage account
terraform init \
# Generate a terraform plan file
terraform plan \
-input=false \
# Apply the terraform plan
terraform apply plan.tfplan