This notebook implements a two-stage fault detection and classification system for motor vibration data using LightGBM models.
- Uses wavelet decomposition (bior3.1 wavelet, level 4) to extract time-frequency domain features
- Features extracted from approximation and detail coefficients:
- Statistical features: mean, std dev, variance, RMS
- Shape features: kurtosis, skewness
- Zero crossing rate and mean crossing rate
- Signal entropy
- Hilbert transform features
- Total 273 features extracted from multiple vibration sensor signals
- Uses MAFAULDA dataset containing vibration measurements
- Dataset publically available at:
- Contains machinery fault simulator data with multiple fault types
- Includes accelerometer measurements from different sensor positions
- 10 fault classes labeled A-J:
- Normal (A)
- Imbalance (B)
- Horizontal misalignment (C)
- Vertical misalignment (D)
- Overhang/underhang bearing faults (E-J)
- Train-test split: 80-20
- SMOTE applied to handle class imbalance
- LightGBM binary classifier to detect fault vs normal operation
- Parameters:
- learning_rate: 0.05
- num_leaves: 31
- n_estimators: 100
- LightGBM multi-class classifier to identify specific fault type
- 9 fault classes (excludes normal operation)
- Same hyperparameters as binary model
- Uses one-vs-rest approach
- Accuracy: 100%
- Perfect separation between normal and faulty operation
- Confusion matrix shows zero misclassifications
- Accuracy: 99.48%
- Excellent discrimination between different fault types
- Confusion matrix shows minimal misclassification between fault classes
The trained models can be used to:
- Detect presence of fault (binary classification)
- If fault detected, identify specific fault type (multi-class)
Example usage:
# Load saved models
binary_model = joblib.load("lgbm_binary_model.joblib")
multi_model = joblib.load("lgbm_multi_model.joblib")
# Make predictions
binary_pred = binary_model.predict(X_test)
if binary_pred == 1:
fault_type = multi_model.predict(X_test)
The high accuracy of both models demonstrates the effectiveness of the wavelet-based feature extraction and two-stage classification approach for motor fault diagnosis.
Link to Kaggle Notebook: