1 |
CDK Watch |
✅ done |
4 |
CDK Testing Toolkit |
@nija-at |
✅ done |
5 |
Security-restricted environments |
✅ done |
6 |
Monolithic Packaging |
✅ done |
7 |
Lambda Bundles |
✅ done |
8 |
Project Structure Guidelines |
@rix0rrr |
✅ done |
9 |
Master developer guide sources in main repo |
🤷 stale |
10 |
New workshop modules |
🤷 stale |
13 |
Improvements to Reference docs |
🤷 stale |
14 |
Toolchain 2.0 |
🤷 stale |
15 |
Scaffolding |
✅ done |
16 |
RFC Process |
@MrArnoldPalmer |
✅ done |
17 |
CLI support for multiple-environments |
🤷 stale |
18 |
Open Context Providers |
@rix0rrr |
🤷 stale |
19 |
Introspection API |
🤷 stale |
20 |
Security posture summary |
🤷 stale |
23 |
Stateful resource support |
🤷 stale |
25 |
Defaults & configuration policy |
🤷 stale |
27 |
200 resource limit tools & guidance |
🤷 stale |
30 |
Improve synthesized template output |
🤷 stale |
31 |
Integration tests |
✅ done |
32 |
App-centric operational experience |
🤷 stale |
34 |
Third-party construct ecosystem |
✅ done |
35 |
Publish construct library guidelines |
✅ done |
36 |
Constructs Programming Model |
✅ done |
37 |
Release from a "release" branch |
@MrArnoldPalmer |
✅ done |
39 |
Release public artifacts (lambda layers for custom resources, docker images) |
✅ done |
40 |
Stack traces across language boundaries |
🤷 stale |
48 |
Faster builds |
🤷 stale |
49 |
CI/CD for CDK apps |
@rix0rrr |
✅ done |
51 |
Standardize security groups |
🤷 stale |
52 |
Support resource import |
✅ done |
55 |
Feature Flags |
✅ done |
58 |
Improved ergonomics for stack default environment |
🤷 stale |
60 |
Bazel Build System |
👎 rejected |
63 |
CDK in Secure Environments |
✅ done |
64 |
Garbage Collection for Assets |
@kaizencc |
✅ done |
65 |
CDK Code Generation from AWS Console |
🤷 stale |
66 |
StackSets Support |
✅ done |
67 |
Monitoring Packs |
🤷 stale |
69 |
One-off "job" Stacks ("auto destruct") |
🤷 stale |
70 |
Cost Estimation Tools |
🤷 stale |
71 |
Deployment Triggers |
✅ done |
72 |
Stack Policy |
💡 proposed |
73 |
AWS Resource Model |
✅ done |
74 |
Common API for Resources with Web Addresses |
🤷 stale |
77 |
CloudFormation Registry Support |
✅ done |
78 |
Feature proposal: Workspaces |
🤷 stale |
79 |
CDK v2.0 |
✅ done |
81 |
AWS Landing Zone CDK pattern request |
👎 rejected |
82 |
Weak references |
👎 rejected |
83 |
Global Name Prefix |
🤷 stale |
86 |
AWS Account Alias Resource |
🤷 stale |
92 |
CI/CD Asset Publishing |
@rix0rrr |
✅ done |
95 |
Cognito Construct Library |
@nija-at |
✅ done |
107 |
Publish a Construct Library Module Lifecycle document |
@ccfife |
✅ done |
110 |
CLI Compatibility Strategy |
@iliapolo |
✅ done |
116 |
Easier identification of experimental modules |
✅ done |
127 |
CDK to directly reference/import/update an existing stack |
🤷 stale |
139 |
"fromLookup" for additional resources |
🤷 stale |
158 |
Implement Custom Resources in the AWS Construct Library as CFN Registry Resource Types |
🤷 stale |
159 |
Cross-App Resource Sharing |
👎 rejected |
161 |
Cross-Region/Account References |
🤷 stale |
162 |
CDK Refactoring Tools |
@otaviomacedo |
📆 planning |
164 |
Construct Library Segments |
@nija-at |
👎 rejected |
171 |
CloudFront Module Redesign |
✅ done |
175 |
AppSync Mapping Template Object Model |
@MrArnoldPalmer |
👎 rejected |
180 |
CustomResources: Allow usage across accounts |
🤷 stale |
192 |
Removal of the "constructs" compatibility layer (v2.0) |
@eladb |
✅ done |
193 |
Fixing of type unions |
@RomainMuller |
🤷 stale |
201 |
Construct scope relocation |
🤷 stale |
204 |
JSII Go Support |
@MrArnoldPalmer |
✅ done |
217 |
Alternative Infrastructure Providers |
@ccfife |
👎 rejected |
219 |
ECS Patterns Service Builder |
👎 rejected |
223 |
Improvements to Lambda Development Experience |
🤷 stale |
228 |
CDK CLI Triggers |
📆 planning |
229 |
Construct library pattern for metrics |
🤷 stale |
230 |
Construct library pattern for grants |
🤷 stale |
231 |
Construct library pattern for resources that use a VPC |
🤷 stale |
232 |
Construct library pattern for resources that need IAM roles |
🤷 stale |
242 |
Bootstrap stacks as CDK apps |
🤷 stale |
244 |
Migration path for EKS Developer Preview |
👎 rejected |
247 |
CDK Common Stored Data Type Model |
🤷 stale |
248 |
Standardized context key for "cheap mode" |
🤷 stale |
249 |
Experimental Code in CDK v2 |
@ericzbeard |
✅ done |
253 |
CDK Metadata v2 |
✅ done |
256 |
ReactCDK: Add JSX/TSX Support |
👎 rejected |
272 |
CI/CD to Cloudfront Deploy |
👎 rejected |
275 |
route53-patterns for cross account DNS delegation |
🤷 stale |
277 |
cdk logs |
🤷 stale |
282 |
CDK Pipelines security posture change approvals |
✅ done |
294 |
Policy Definition and Enforcement |
✅ done |
300 |
Programmatic access of AWS CDK CLI |
@mrgrain |
👷 implementing |
305 |
support code signing of assets |
🤷 stale |
309 |
Parameter Store for cross stack references |
🤷 stale |
317 |
CDK third-party dependencies management |
🤷 stale |
322 |
CDK Pipelines Updated API |
✅ done |
324 |
Construct Hub |
@RomainMuller |
✅ done |
328 |
polyglot assert library |
@nija-at |
✅ done |
340 |
Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream L2 |
@BenChaimberg |
✅ done |
348 |
CloudFormationController - refactor CloudFormation stacks |
👎 rejected |
353 |
Constructs for all public CloudFormation resources and modules |
✅ done |
359 |
Construct Hub Deny List |
✅ done |
362 |
Construct Library for Contributor Insights Rules |
@madeline-k |
🤷 stale |
370 |
CLI deploy with change set review confirmation |
🤷 stale |
374 |
The jsii compiler to follow TypeScript versioning |
✅ done |
375 |
Support Encode Properties for CloudFormation CustomResource |
🤷 stale |
380 |
Remove Node.js as an installed pre-requisite for the jsii runtime |
🤷 stale |
388 |
CLI Banners |
✅ done |
394 |
WAF v2 L2 Construct |
👎 rejected |
399 |
SSM Document as Objects |
👎 rejected |
400 |
RUM AppMonitor L2 Construct |
👎 rejected |
402 |
Glue DataBrew L2 Construct |
👎 rejected |
418 |
CDK Operator CLI |
🤷 stale |
419 |
CDK environment setup for platform/system administrators |
@rix0rrr |
🤷 stale |
423 |
IoT Sitewise L2 Construct |
👎 rejected |
426 |
AppConfig L2 Construct |
🤷 stale |
428 |
Amazon CloudWatch Evidently L2 Constructs |
👎 rejected |
434 |
AWS Ground Station L2 Constructs |
👎 rejected |
436 |
Amazon GameLift L2 Constructs |
✅ done |
437 |
CDK post-deployment experience |
💡 proposed |
446 |
Network Firewall L2 Constructs |
👎 rejected |
448 |
AWS Compute Optimizer Constructs |
👎 rejected |
450 |
AWS CDK public roadmap |
🤷 stale |
457 |
Create fluent-assertions library to improve consumer test readability |
@MrArnoldPalmer |
👎 rejected |
458 |
Service Catalog ProductStack Asset Support |
👎 rejected |
460 |
Reduce aws-cdk-lib package size |
✅ done |
463 |
Glue View L2 Construct |
🤷 stale |
465 |
AWS Organizations L2 Construct |
👎 rejected |
467 |
Add L2 constructs for Amazon FSx Windows |
@rix0rrr |
🤷 stale |
469 |
AWS Lambda for .NET Support |
💡 proposed |
470 |
Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 support |
👎 rejected |
471 |
Amazon Managed Grafana L2 Constructs |
🤷 stale |
473 |
EventBridge Pipes L2 Construct |
@mrgrain |
✅ done |
474 |
EventBridge Scheduler L2 Construct |
✅ done |
481 |
Add L2 constructs for Amazon Redshift Serverless |
👎 rejected |
483 |
AppFlow L2 Constructs |
@iliapolo |
👎 rejected |
485 |
AWS Batch L2 |
✅ done |
487 |
New L2 Construct for Step Functions Map State in Distributed Mode |
👎 rejected |
489 |
Add API to register and execute code before or after CDK App lifecycle events |
💡 proposed |
491 |
CloudFront Origin Access Control L2 |
📆 planning |
492 |
Amazon OpenSearch Serverless L2 Construct |
👎 rejected |
495 |
AWS IAM Identity Store L2 construct |
👎 rejected |
497 |
AWS Glue L2 CDK Construct |
@TheRealAmazonKendra |
✅ done |
502 |
Amazon VPC Lattice L2 Construct |
@TheRealAmazonKendra |
👍 approved |
507 |
Full control over VPC and subnet configuration |
@otaviomacedo |
👷 implementing |
509 |
Add Step Functions SageMaker CreateProcessingJob task construct |
👎 rejected |
510 |
DyanmoDB Global Table L2 Construct |
@vinayak-kukreja |
✅ done |
512 |
Thumbprint L2 Construct for use with IAM OIDC Provider |
👎 rejected |
513 |
Application Specific Staging Resources |
✅ done |
521 |
Verified Access L2 Constructs |
👎 rejected |
523 |
Construct to create Cedar Policy |
👎 rejected |
526 |
AppSync Merged API L2 construct |
👎 rejected |
528 |
Verified Permissions L2 Constructs |
👎 rejected |
579 |
Docker-less dependency resolution (CDK \ SAM) |
👎 rejected |
581 |
ARN retrieval function consistency for CDK constructs |
🤷 stale |
583 |
Deployment Debugging |
📆 planning |
585 |
Local Application Testing |
📆 planning |
586 |
Understand Deployment Progress |
📆 planning |
587 |
Amazon Lambda Rust library |
👎 rejected |
605 |
Rewrite EKS L2 construct (EKSv2) |
👷 implementing |
609 |
PythonFunction additional build options |
💡 proposed |
611 |
Complete Construct Model |
❓unknown |
613 |
Add L2 construct for aws_controltower.CfnEnabledControl |
💡 proposed |
617 |
Amazon CloudFront Origin Access Control L2 Construct |
✅ done |
627 |
L2 constructs for CodeArtifact |
💡 proposed |
629 |
Cost Estimation Tools - Reopened |
💡 proposed |
631 |
Amazon VPC Lattice L2 Construct |
💡 proposed |
635 |
L2 Constructs for AWS MediaConvert |
💡 proposed |
648 |
Priority-Ordered Aspect Invocation |
@sumupitchayan |
✅ done |
655 |
Enhancements to L1s in CDK |
💡 proposed |
670 |
AWS CloudWatch Application Signals L2 Constructs |
💡 proposed |
673 |
RFC 670: AWS CloudWatch Application Signals L2 Constructs for SLO #673 |
💡 proposed |
676 |
Proposing a Contributor Council for AWS CDK |
💡 proposed |
683 |
L2 Constructs for AWS Event Schemas |
💡 proposed |
686 |
L2 Constructs for Bedrock |
⏰ final comments |
689 |
Proposed AWS CDK Council Charter |
❓unknown |
691 |
AWS Bedrock Integration Working Group |
❓unknown |
693 |
Set Default Values to Construct Properties using PropertyInjector |
💡 proposed |
695 |
AWS S3 directory bucket L2 constructs |
💡 proposed |
703 |
apigateway: private domain name L2 construct |
💡 proposed |
707 |
CDK Pipelines: Use pipeline ServiceRole as default ActionRole |
💡 proposed |
710 |
Node.js Version Support Policy for AWS CDK |
💡 proposed |