1.0.0 (2025-01-14)
Bug Fixes
docu: add security to readme (c68298f )
docu: fix table (75c1bfc )
envvars: document and improve envvars (3d54aae )
Finch: use Finch instead of Docker (87d3aae )
IC: initial commit (0d5621b )
Pricing: modify the pricing features (daba2f0 )
Security: add workflow to scan code (7e8a50e )
Security: add workflow to scan code - fix 1 (8cf5610 )
Security: add workflow to scan code - fix 2 (5ab8a73 )
Security: add workflow to scan code - pylint findings (af67678 )
Security: add workflow to scan code - pylint findings -2 (9c6700d )
Trivy: add/modify reporting (837033d )
Trivy: add/modify reporting - 2 (dc5cf7d )
Trivy: add/modify reporting - 3 (55ecf18 )
Trivy: add/modify reporting - 4 (ad20071 )
Trivy: minor modifications (ef2ab96 )
Trivy: upgrade actions versions (9bdd4d8 )
Continuous Integration
File format: support different output file formats (b59d706 )
S3: upload files to S3 (7dce5ea )
Trivy: container security scan (bbc7734 )
Merge pull request #17 from aws-samples/ci/add-semver (8289203 ), closes #17
Merge pull request #16 from aws-samples/ci/add-semver (0c0aa61 ), closes #16
Merge pull request #15 from aws-samples/chore/finch (e487836 ), closes #15
Merge pull request #14 from aws-samples/fix/trivy-vulnerabilities (14cc5a7 ), closes #14
Merge pull request #13 from aws-samples/feat/add-export-format-to-readme (6818f73 ), closes #13
Fixed reassignment of export format. (bc6fb3d )
Added export format parameter details to readme and (f634dc6 )
Merge pull request #11 from aws-samples/feat/pandas-for-outpu (07e665d ), closes #11
Merge pull request #10 from aws-samples/feat/trivy-scan (df78739 ), closes #10
Merge pull request #9 from aws-samples/fix/docu (af796c3 ), closes #9
Merge pull request #8 from aws-samples/chore/eliminate-pricing (2887f25 ), closes #8
Merge pull request #7 from aws-samples/feat/comma-sep (d66d4a4 ), closes #7
Fixing comma separator for report (c56a4da )
Merge pull request #6 from aws-samples/feat/environment-variables (53f69dd ), closes #6
trivy-scan.yaml deleted (60f4c46 )
Include environment variables + updated instructions in readme file (ee3ea86 )
Merge pull request #5 from aws-samples/feat/s3-upload (30cae7e ), closes #5
Merge branch 'main' into feat/s3-upload (9c5f2b2 )
Merge pull request #4 from aws-samples/readme-updates-andvic-1 (b7019cf ), closes #4
Solving changes requested in Pull Request review (ea27fb9 )
Update instructions in Readme (f60ab66 )
Merge pull request #3 from aws-samples/chore/security-scan (d8403e8 ), closes #3
Merge pull request #2 from aws-samples/andvic (653bef4 ), closes #2
fix docker build and run in readme doc. Fix decimal separator in app (d69eb8f )
Merge pull request #1 from aws-samples/feature/readme-v1 (48ef232 ), closes #1
Updated with project description (ed1191e )
Initial commit (dfb659b )
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