⭐ Features
Introducing centralized logs for all Avalanche nodes in your cluster!
You can now easily jump into any logs (P/C/X Chain and Subnets) from any instances in your cluster on your Grafana Dashboard!
This release also enables you to measure the performance of your Subnet across different AWS host configuration (i.e. regions that hosts are deployed in, instance types, storage volume types, etc). Simply provide your load test Git repository URL, the command to build the binary and the command to run the binary to view the load test results in the Grafana Dashboard.
Lastly, this release also enables Teleporter & Warp support in Devnets!
What's Changed
- Use current time as durango timestamp by @felipemadero in #1761
- Resize disk size and instance type by @arturrez in #1659
- Improve wget retry by @arturrez in #1763
- Use anr version that restores aliases on snapshots by @felipemadero in #1762
- Bump google.golang.org/api from 0.153.0 to 0.172.0 by @dependabot in #1688
Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v1.5.2