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Kepware configuration library for executing commands, reads and writes on Kepware servers

CLI Tool

The Atc.Kepware.Configuration.CLI tool is available through a cross platform command line application.


The tool can be installed as a .NET global tool by the following command

dotnet tool install --global atc-kepware-configuration

or by following the instructions here to install a specific version of the tool.

A successful installation will output something like

The tool can be invoked by the following command: atc-kepware-configuration
Tool 'atc-kepware-configuration' (version '') was successfully installed.`


The tool can be updated by the following command

dotnet tool update --global atc-kepware-configuration


Since the tool is published as a .NET Tool, it can be launched from anywhere using any shell or command-line interface by calling atc-kepware-configuration. The help information is displayed when providing the --help argument to atc-kepware-configuration

Option --help

atc-kepware-configuration --help

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -v, --verbose    Use verbose for more debug/trace information
        --version    Display version


Command connectivity

atc-kepware-configuration connectivity --help

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity channels get all -s [server-url]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity channels get euromap63 -s [server-url] --name [channelName]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity channels get opcuaclient -s [server-url] --name [channelName]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity channels create euromap63 -s [server-url] --name [channelName] --description [description]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity channels create opcuaclient -s [server-url] --name [channelName] --description [description]

    -h, --help    Prints help information

    channels    Commands for channels
    devices     Commands for devices
    tags        Commands for tags

Command connectivity channels

atc-kepware-configuration connectivity channels --help

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity channels [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity channels get all -s [server-url]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity channels get euromap63 -s [server-url] --name [channelName]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity channels get opcuaclient -s [server-url] --name [channelName]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity channels create euromap63 -s [server-url] --name [channelName] --description [description]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity channels create opcuaclient -s [server-url] --name [channelName] --description [description]

    -h, --help    Prints help information

    get       Operations related to retrieving channels
    create    Operations related to creating channels
    delete    Delete channel

Command connectivity devices

atc-kepware-configuration connectivity devices --help

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity devices [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity devices get all -s [server-url] --channel-name [channelName]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity devices get euromap63 -s [server-url] --channel-name [channelName] --device-name [deviceName]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity devices get opcuaclient -s [server-url] --channel-name [channelName] --device-name [deviceName]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity devices create euromap63 -s [server-url] --channel-name [channelName] --device-name [deviceName]
--description [description] --session-file-path [filePath]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity devices create opcuaclient -s [server-url] --channel-name [channelName] --device-name [deviceName]
--description [description]

    -h, --help    Prints help information

    get       Operations related to retrieving devices
    create    Operations related to creating devices
    delete    Delete device from channel

Command connectivity tags

atc-kepware-configuration connectivity tags --help

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity tags [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity tags search -s [server-url] --search MyTag
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity tags search -s [server-url] --search *Tag
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity tags search -s [server-url] --search My*
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity tags search -s [server-url] --search *yt*
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe connectivity tags create tag -s [server-url] --channel-name [channelName] --device-name [deviceName] --name [tagName]
--address [tagAddress] --scan-rate [scanRate] --data-type [dataType] --client-access [clientAccess] --description [description]

    -h, --help    Prints help information

    get       Get tags for channel and device
    create    Operations related to creating tags and tag groups
    delete    Operations related to deleting tags and tag groups
    search    Search tags

Command iot-gateway

atc-kepware-configuration iot-gateway --help

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent mqtt-client create -s [server-url] --name [iotAgentName] --url [url] --publish-message-format [Standard|Advanced]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent mqtt-client get -s [server-url] --name [iotAgentName]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent mqtt-client all -s [server-url]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client create -s [server-url] --name [iotAgentName] --url [url] --publish-message-format [Standard|Advanced]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client get -s [server-url] --name [iotAgentName]

    -h, --help    Prints help information

    iot-agent   Commands for iot agents
    iot-item    Commands for iot items

Command iot-gateway iot-agent

atc-kepware-configuration iot-gateway iot-agent --help

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent mqtt-client create -s [server-url] --name [iotAgentName] --url [url] --publish-message-format [Standard|Advanced]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent mqtt-client get -s [server-url] --name [iotAgentName]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent mqtt-client all -s [server-url]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent mqtt-client delete -s [server-url] --name [iotAgentName]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client create -s [server-url] --name [iotAgentName] --url [url] --publish-message-format [Standard|Advanced]

    -h, --help    Prints help information

    mqtt-client    Operations related to MQTT Client Iot Agents
    rest-client    Operations related to Rest Client Iot Agents
    rest-server    Operations related to Rest Server Iot Agents

Command iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client

atc-kepware-configuration iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client --help

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client create -s [server-url] --name [iotAgentName] --url [
url] --publish-message-format [Standard|Advanced]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client get -s [server-url] --name [iotAgentName]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client all -s [server-url]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client enable -s [server-url] --name [iotAgentName]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client disable -s [server-url] --name [iotAgentName]

    -h, --help    Prints help information

    create     Create a rest-client iot agent (if not exists)
    get        Get a single rest-client iot agent
    all        Get all rest-client iot agents
    enable     Enable a rest-client iot agent (if exists)
    disable    Disable a rest-client iot agent (if exists)
    update     Update a rest-client iot agent (if exists)
    delete     Delete a rest-client iot agent (if exists)

Command iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client create

atc-kepware-configuration iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client create --help

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client create [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

     atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-agent rest-client create -s [server-url] --name [iotAgentName] --url [url] --publish-message-format [Standard|Advanced]

    -h, --help                                               Prints help information
    -v, --verbose                                            Use verbose for more debug/trace information
    -s, --server-url <SERVER-URL>                            Server Url for Kepserver configuration endpoint
    -u, --username [USERNAME]                                UserName for Kepware server configuration endpoint
    -p, --password [PASSWORD]                                Password for Kepware server configuration endpoint
    -n, --name <NAME>                                        Iot Agent Name
        --description [DESCRIPTION]                          Iot Agent Description
        --ignore-quality-changes                             Indicates whether changes in quality should be ignored and not passed on
        --url <URL>                                          The URl of the endpoint to send data to
        --publish-http-method <PUBLISH-HTTP-METHOD>          Sets the HttpMethod for Publishing. Valid values are: Post (default), Put
        --rate <RATE>                                        Specifies the frequency, in milliseconds, at which the agent pushes data to the endpoint
        --publish-format <PUBLISH-FORMAT>                    Sets the format type for Publishing. Valid values are: Narrow (default), Wide
        --max-events-per-publish                             The number of tag events the gateway packages in a single transmission when using narrow format
        --transaction-timeout <TRANSACTION-TIMEOUT>          Defines the maximum amount of time, in seconds, allowed for a transaction to run
        --send-initial-update                                Indicates if an initial update should be sent out on each tag when the Iot Agent starts up
        --http-headers <KEY=VALUE>                           The headers to send to url on each connection
        --publish-message-format <PUBLISH-MESSAGE-FORMAT>    Specifies how messages should be formatted. Valid values are: Standard, Advanced (default)
        --publish-media-type [PUBLISH-MEDIA-TYPE]            Sets the media type for Publishing. Only valid when PublishMessageFormat is set to (Advanced). Valid values are: Json (default), Xml,
                                                             XhtmlXml, TextPlain, TextHtml
atc-kepware-configuration iot-gateway iot-item --help

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-item [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-item mqtt-client create -s [server-url] --iot-agent-name [
iotAgentName] --server-tag [serverTag] --scan-rate [scanRate]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-item mqtt-client get -s [server-url] --iot-agent-name [iotAgentName]
--server-tag [serverTag]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-item mqtt-client all -s [server-url]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-item mqtt-client enable -s [server-url] --iot-agent-name [
iotAgentName] --server-tag [serverTag]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-item mqtt-client disable -s [server-url] --iot-agent-name [
iotAgentName] --server-tag [serverTag]

    -h, --help    Prints help information

    mqtt-client    Operations related to MQTT Client Iot Agent Iot Items
    rest-client    Operations related to Rest Client Iot Agent Iot Items
    rest-server    Operations related to Rest Server Iot Agent Iot Items
atc-kepware-configuration iot-gateway iot-item rest-client --help

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-item rest-client [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-item rest-client create -s [server-url] --iot-agent-name [
iotAgentName] --server-tag [serverTag] --scan-rate [scanRate]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-item rest-client get -s [server-url] --iot-agent-name [iotAgentName]
--server-tag [serverTag]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-item rest-client all -s [server-url]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-item rest-client enable -s [server-url] --iot-agent-name [
iotAgentName] --server-tag [serverTag]
    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-item rest-client disable -s [server-url] --iot-agent-name [
iotAgentName] --server-tag [serverTag]

    -h, --help    Prints help information

    create     Create an iot item on a rest-client iot agent
    get        Get a single rest-client iot agent iot item
    all        Get all rest-client iot agent iot items
    enable     Enable a single rest-client iot agent iot item
    disable    Disable a single rest-client iot agent iot item
    update     Update a rest-client iot agent iot item (if exists)
    delete     Delete a rest-client iot agent iot item (if exists)
atc-kepware-configuration iot-gateway iot-item rest-client create --help

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-item rest-client create [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

    atc-kepware-configuration.exe iot-gateway iot-item rest-client create -s [server-url] --iot-agent-name [iotAgentName] --server-tag [serverTag]
--scan-rate [scanRate]

    -h, --help    Prints help information
        --iot-agent-name <IOT-AGENT-NAME>          Iot Agent Name
        --server-tag <SERVER-TAG>                  The server tag the Iot Item is pointing to
        --scan-rate <SCAN-RATE>                    Specifies the frequency, in milliseconds, at which the iot item should be scanned (default: 10000)
        --send-every-scan                          Specifies if the tag should be published on every scan or only on data changes (default: false)
        --dead-band-percent [DEAD-BAND-PERCENT]    Specifies the DeadBand (%) when SendEveryScan is false (default: 0)
        --enabled                                  Indicates whether the Iot Item is enabled (default: true)

    create    Create an iot item on a rest-client iot agent


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