> git clone "https://github.com/asutosh29/clickbait-highligter-byop24"
> cd "clickbait-highligter-byop24"
- conda (recommended)
> conda create --name myenv --file req.txt python=3.12.8
> conda activate myenv
Also download the following folder from google drive link and put it in a folder named "ClickbaitModel" in the project directory "clickbait-highligter-byop24"
Folder structure should be like this:
- config.json
- pytorch_model.bin
- other files..
> flask run --debug
This should start a server on local IP adress, navigate to the page url.
1. Enter a text prompt (suggested around 10-30 words long)
2. Click on [Get Score] button
3. Wait for sometime while the UI updates.