verclo stands for verification over cloud
Instructions to run this bot
- create/add discord bot token from discord applications link to token.txt
- add sender's mail adress and password to config.py
- add server unique ID, tokenbot unique ID to bot.py
- run bot.py script.
- Following is the algorithm of how I am trying to make this bot work.
- The bot will work 24/7 on AWS lambda
- bot will take mail id from user and check if its valid
- if yes, it will send a code to the user's mail and ask him to input the code
- if the code matches, the bot will assign the role to the user as verified
- the bot will save user's unique id,mail,etc in a MySQL database with time
current stage
- I have checked the status that the bot stays online as long as the script runs, it can manage messages
- looking forwords to take this proejct forther and improve it for everyone