I found I was often writing the same code over again for Node projects so I made this template to ease the repetition.
The template uses the following...
Koa as a web framework.
Sequelize as the data storage.
Handlebars for views.
Passport for authentication.
A Vagrant file is included.
Option A: Use docker-compose to file up Node, MariaDB and Redis server instances.
Option B: npm install
in the working directory and setup the config.js file.
A sample project is included for simple authentication and registration.
Build the latest wwwsrc in the Dockerfile with gulp and exclude wwwbuild from git to avoid merge conflicts.
Custom js and scss files should go in the wwwsrc folder. Following the format wwwsrc/<js|scss>/<name>/
Use the provided gulpfile.js
to compile the js/scss files. Browsersync is also provided for easier development.
Assets such as images, fonts, and third-party libs should go into the assets