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artmg edited this page Jun 13, 2015 · 20 revisions


  • Vilros RasberryPi Cobbler
  • vilros breadboard
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electronic circuits

Electricity flows when it has a way to go around. When simple electrical components are connected to each other 'all the way round in a circle' they form a simple 'circuit'.

When you look at pictures of circuits, you might see photos of green boards with gold lines and lots of little coloured pieces attached - these are actual circuits. Or you may see black and white diagrams with lots of pictorial symbols in an interconnected framework - this is a circuit diagram which makes it clear what is connected to what.


To create permanent circuits, use a hot soldering iron to melt solder and fix components in place


We don't want to solder permanent circuits, we just want to put together experiments, so we use a breadboard

Have a look at the video at:

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