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Art edited this page Jun 6, 2017 · 5 revisions

Initial setup

Follow instructions in


When you first boot from the SD card to configure RetroPie you should connect BOTH

  • your regular keyboard
  • your PS3 game controller VIA USB

now configure as far as wifi

Then check the instructions on PS3 Bluetooth to Install and Pair a PS3 controller.

The Option numbers (e.g. 317) may be slightly different, but just follow the menu

See more about using Game Controllers like a Wiimote or PS3 controller at []

Remote Desktop

RetroPie is based on Raspbian so you can use exactly the same technique as Mugamma Remote Desktop

The hostname is retropie but the login pi and password raspberry are default from Raspbian.

to look up your IP address

nmblookup retropie



ROMs are the application programme code that make the games work, called ROM because the game code was stored on Read Only Memory microchips on the arcade game's internal electronic circuitry.

Whilst various folk have taken copies of this code from the ROMs, other benevolent people have worked on the "emulator" programs that pretend to be the rest of the "virtual circuitry" and make the code work on your computer.

However, because the code on the ROMs is copyrighted by the companies who wrote it all those years ago, and they have never released the rights to use or copy or store it, people who host such files on the internet are liable to get the content "taken down".

Despite this, well known internet search services may lead you to locations where they have been posted for download.


mame4all seems a common choice but some forums suggest that FireBurnAplha lr-fba-next is the most comprehensive list currently compatible with the Pi and RetroPie

The RetroPie page on FBA states

  • Romset Used: FBA which is based on MAME 0.161 (Apr 2015)

  • Total Games Emulated: 3743 (includes clones etc..)

  • Place your lr-fba-next ROMS in



searching for FBA "" romset should give some hits


# This should Expand With Paths ALL partXX files into the current dir
unrar x -e path/*.part01.rar 
# or maybe without -e ?
# or for f in *.rar;do unrar x -r -y "$f";done


Simply browse the network for the samba share on RETROPIE Copy the ROMs and paste them to the appropriate desination (see above)

Quake III Arena

This classic game works perfectly out of the box, but it's configured for a keyboard & mouse combo.

See the list in Quake on RetroPie wiki

The port is based on ioquake3

Changes to the key mappings appear to go into
