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Art edited this page Mar 3, 2017 · 17 revisions


A Media Centre (for those who prefer the European spelling)...

  • Display a variety of visual media and streams on an HDMI display
  • listen to audio, both accompanying the visual media and from audio only sources
    • initially played through a stereo amplifier, but optionally later with output to a 5.1 receiver
  • navigate media using either a dedicated media remote OR a keyboard/mouse combo wirelessly connected by radio or IR
  • view the media navigation using a "ten foot display"
  • access locally stored media and internet streams
  • Connect a Blu Ray drive to play pre-recorded Blu Ray and DVD disks
    • optionally to burn additional discs from various sources

see also:

  • Audio Hub
    • Simpler solutions for rendering audio files and web radio streams
  • []
    • For more details on software including clients and especially regarding remote control


Note this is primarily about the installing the server software. See other options above

Dedicated Distros

Kodi = eX-BMC project

The Distros

  • OpenElec -
  • aimed at wide variety of hardware
  • bare Kodi
  • extend using plugins (not packages)
  • more mature and popular
  • also has recent fork LibreELEC
  • OSMC (was Raspbmc) -
  • Pi specific
  • debian with no desktop but with Kodi
  • simple and automatic
  • easy upgrades and access to software repos
  • XBian
  • Pi and Cubox -specific
  • based on debian
  • has various options pre-installed and allows extensive customisation
  • includes SuperRepo
  • volume is btrfs so allows snapshots
  • fits on 2GB
  • GeeXboX
  • seemingly less active and less popular



The article Audio Hub covers sound-oriented software stacks like Volumio (was RaspyFi), PiMusicBox and others.


install options

  • direct install from OSMC site (used below)
  • Install via NOOBS now fully supported

prepare SD card

OSMC site's linux installer loads specialist SD creator, which then asks for root. This creates a 255MB FAT32 partition to expand on SD

See Disks # Distro Images for more information.

initial boot

10 minutes of unattended install Choose Country Accept license done


Check DST on clock


The style of the interface can be changed by using different skins. OSMC uses ????? whereas RaspBMC uses Confluence.


Add-ons are additional software to allow Kodi to do more.

  • Iplayer ( + settings / enable subtitles)
  • You Tube

Lists of "current top 10 addons" often crop up, like

Addons are either scripts or plugins, written in Python -

addon repos

The default repository for OSMC addons is ... ????

There are additional addon repos, such as the list in and there are also agregator repos like

manual addon installation

If you don't want to fully trust an entire repo, but just wish to install a single addon

Settings - Addons - .. - install from zip file

Of course you will not get the updates, as you would with a repo, but you do retain full control.

If you wish to push the file from another computer you can use SCP

scp Downloads/ [email protected]:.


Using BBC Iplayer assumes you have a UK-based ISP. Some people claim to use proxy-type internet services to circumvent this, but this is of course against their terms of service.

BBC have recently modified their feed service from Dynamite to Nitro which has broken the most common iplayer plugin (written by JoolsWills).

The get_iplayer linux command line download is apparently still working, but not exactly a ten-foot-interface way of watching TV. The official BBC iplayer website does work, but a browser is not something that Kodi currently offers, and the web interface is more touch oriented than TV remote controllable.

There is an alternative to the broken iplayer plugin, mentioned at which you can install using manual addon installation

other notes

other software

RPi Foundation sell codecs for h/w decoding HD MPEG2 and VC1 The purchased key is bound to the device serial #



If you have issues with keyboard mappings, first consider standard keyboard shortcuts

will obkey fix specific issues?

apparently, where the OS has shortcuts defined, Kodi will not see OnKey events See how to resolve this for Ubuntu -

media remote

USB ports can perform faster RW than SD card, so consider booting from SD to s/w installed on USB drive Also despite Pi only has USB 2.0, a USB 3.0 media drive may throughput more

OpenELEC / LibreELEC

OpenELEC turns a generic piece of hardware into a dedicated Kodi appliance. Rather than using an existing distro with Kodi pre-installed, it is a custom built Linux Embedded OS. There are generic 64/32-bit builds for most common graphics chipsets, as well as a Raspberry Pi build.

There is also a recent fork called LibreELEC, created during a hiatus in OpenELEC development. Consider looking at both when investigating issues or features.

See [] also Read me on Source pages []

Both distros are basic linux OSes with packages directly added at compile time []. For more on how to compile or develop the system see [] and [].


For information about installing OpenELEC as Triple Boot on top of Windows and Ubuntu, see []


  • credit - []

  • see also []

  • Copy Files

  • add to grub

  • ensure the partition was set as BOOTable

download OpenELEC

circa 150MB

Open the archive and copy the files to the SYS partition

add to GRUB

see Dual Boot article

If you have issues getting the grub options to appear, install the grub-customizer utility which may help you find them

# /etc/grub.d/40_custom
# credit -
exec tail -n +3 $0
# This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries.  Simply type the
# menu entries you want to add after this comment.  Be careful not to change
# the 'exec tail' line above.
# If you want this entry to be the Grub Default, 
# create it as /etc/grub.d/08_openelec
menuentry "OpenELEC" {
   search --set=root --label OE_SYSTEM --hint hd0,msdos9
   linux /KERNEL boot=LABEL=OE_SYSTEM disk=LABEL=OE_DATA quiet
menuentry "OpenELEC debugging" {
   search --set=root --label OE_SYSTEM --hint hd0,msdos9
   linux /KERNEL boot=LABEL=OE_SYSTEM disk=LABEL=OE_DATA debugging

hardware compatibility

If you try to start OpenElec and get the following error:

A start job is running for Xorg Server

Started Xorg Server / Fluxbox / Started Kodi Media Center
Reached target Kodi Mediacenter interface
failed to start xorg.
is your GPU supported?

If could be that you do not have the right GPU support. Version 6 open OpenELEC did not have integrated support from legacy NVidia drivers, including ION, so there was a separate build for these, the OpenELEC Nvidia_Legacy Builds. From Version 7 these legacy drivers have been re-integrated into the Generic build.

OpenELEC Upgrades

If you want to perform an offline upgrade:

  • download the Update .tar file for your hardware and version from []
  • check you can ssh to the OpenELEC box (see below)
  • use SCP to copy the file to the folder /storage/.update/
  • see [] for more details

For the moment OpenELEC and LibreELEC upgrades are inter-changeable, allowing flexible movement. This may change as the forks diverge.


OpenELEC's unofficial repo has @lrusak's Chromium web browser []

However it is currently only supported on x86 hardware (not on ARM systems like the Pi) []



  • Settings / Services / UPnP / Allow control of XBMC via UPnP: CHECK
  • (also Services / General / Device Name)
  • help - []
  • Issues:
    • UPnP/DLNA Service does not appear
      • SSDP cannot see server
      • tried also enabling AirPlay - no change
      • what does kodi.log show?
      • try exiting and restarting Kodi
        • option to start Kodi only after the network is available (OpenElec)
        • []
      • others having similar? []
      • try workaround in []


Probably enabled by default. This is the simplest way to gain command line access to OpenElec.

# default password is openelec
ssh root@MyDeviceName


Tethering Issues

In v6.0 and 6.0.3 the tethering seems to fail on authentication from the client.

It may be an issue with a specific wifi card, but dmesg on client shows ONLY authentication issues.

lspci | grep -i wireless
find /sys | grep drivers.*05:00.0

Tried a workaround to dhd config op_mode options - no difference. Seems to also need static IP. Tried also with Static IP, the authentication worked but the services were not available. Manage to authenticate, ping with 0.1 is ropey, ssh to 0.1 fails. Ping to 1.1 fails .

v7 Beta 3 (6.95.3) seems to still have issue (although some report it now works []). Now trying 7.0.0 [] which includes new WLAN drivers.

On full version 7.0.0 Tethering now works, at least with the ath5k drivers in use.

related articles

see also:

  • diagnosics show static IP seems to help []
  • here's more diagnostics and arch intro []
  • on the wetek Static IP and dhd option works []
  • OSMC dev wants to stick to conman []
  • logs from tethering issue in LibreELEC []
  • Not much help - []
Tethering implementation
# Source:
# copied from ../src/main.conf
# updated by sed to include...
TetheringTechnologies = wifi
PersistentTetheringMode = true
NetworkInterfaceBlacklist = vmnet,vboxnet,virbr,ifb,docker,veth

OLD NOTES to file

install Browser

Opera -

Popular media centers






are there any HDMI diagnostics e.g. display EDID, such as linux apps read-edid (in repos) and xFree86?



XMBC config

XMBC addons

Hulu - free TV content

NaxiX - loads and loads of sources

What is Bluecop repo?

Paid but recommended Apps



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