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Using with Node

Alexandre Rogozine edited this page Mar 17, 2022 · 3 revisions

Using LINQ To Typescript with Node

Setting Up

Ensure that you're using Current or LTS version of Node

Run npm init to setup the project. Specify "type": "module".

Run npm install linq-to-typescript.

Using with JavaScript

Create index.js with the following,

import { range } from "linq-to-typescript";
const primeNumbers = range(2, 10000)
    .select((i) => [i, Math.floor(Math.sqrt(i))])
    .where(([i, iSq]) => range(2, iSq).all((j) => i % j !== 0))
    .select(([prime]) => prime)
async function asyncIterable() {
    for await (const i of range(0, 10).selectAsync(async (x) => x * 2)) {

then run node index.js

Using with TypeScript

Ensure that you have TypeScript installed npm install typescript -g

Run tsc --init to create the tsconfig.json file

Configuring tsconfig.json

  • Update the Typescript configuration file to target ES2019.
  • Add the ES2019 to "lib" under "compilerOptions"
  • Set "strict": true under "compilerOptions"

Add index.ts file with the following,

import { range } from "linq-to-typescript"

const primeNumbers = range(2, 10000)
    .select((i) => [i, Math.floor(Math.sqrt(i))])
    .where(([i, iSq]) =>
        range(2, iSq).all((j) => i % j !== 0))
    .select(([prime]) => prime)

async function asyncIterable() {
    for await (const i of range(0, 10).selectAsync(async (x) => x * 2)) {


Run tsc to compile the index.ts to index.js

Run node index.js

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